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We don't touch core ranger to nerf druid : Here how you nerf Druid the easy and safe way


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Yeah, let's nerf a class that is already inferior in nearly every way to Mirage in PvP except that it has better odds of killing a scourge (which shouldn't be on side point anyway.) That way we can go back to the pre-HoT meta when there was NOT A SINGLE VIABLE RANGER BUILD IN PVP. I mean, we don't want anyone in the top 100 but holo/mirage/scourge/firebrand amirite?

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@Swagger.1459 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

Don't talk about others not putting in any/enough effort, while you don't even bother to read and understand what others have written. Nowhere have I said anything about nerfig CA, I was talking about rugged growth. Apart from that, just because something has been nerfed at some point that doesn't mean it does't overperform anymore (e.g. scourge and firebrand were also nerfed since their release, yet they are still broken). Druid right now has too much sustain and (since you are such a big fan of effort) requires about 0 effort to be decent and only very little effort to actually be great. In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

You... “or you just nerf the scaling with healing power ”

Some of you take zero responsibility for your losses and expect the devs to do the heavy lifting. Some seem to not have an interest in improving, only providing irrational complaints to things that are fixed by fixing your skills and your builds.

Ok, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I didn't quote anyone in my first post because I was referring to the original post, which said to not nerf rugged growth (and troll unguent) to avoid nerfing core ranger. I suggested nerfing the scaling with healing power of those skills as that doesn't hurt non-bunker builds aka non-druid builds.Idk why you still keep talking about taking reponsibilty for losses and improving. In case you don't know, I have spent several seasons only playing druid and core ranger because it is one of the very few classes that can beat or stalemate any other meta build in the game. Perhaps it is even the only class. It has a couple free wins (aka it doesnt matter how much better the opposing player plays you, win either way e.g. Dh, reaper), most match ups are favorable and in a few (e.g. Mirage, holosmith) you actually have to dodge key skills but they are still 50:50 at worst.

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@Erzian.5218 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

What’s your twitch channel? When are you streaming your “so easy to play to win daily prime time AT”? Are you also going to post unedited videos of your gameplay for us to see you destroying everyone?

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@Erzian.5218 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

Don't talk about others not putting in any/enough effort, while you don't even bother to read and understand what others have written. Nowhere have I said anything about nerfig CA, I was talking about rugged growth. Apart from that, just because something has been nerfed at some point that doesn't mean it does't overperform anymore (e.g. scourge and firebrand were also nerfed since their release, yet they are still broken). Druid right now has too much sustain and (since you are such a big fan of effort) requires about 0 effort to be decent and only very little effort to actually be great. In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

You... “or you just nerf the scaling with healing power ”

Some of you take zero responsibility for your losses and expect the devs to do the heavy lifting. Some seem to not have an interest in improving, only providing irrational complaints to things that are fixed by fixing your skills and your builds.

Ok, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I didn't quote anyone in my first post because I was referring to the original post, which said to not nerf rugged growth (and troll unguent) to avoid nerfing core ranger. I suggested nerfing the scaling with healing power of those skills as that doesn't hurt non-bunker builds aka non-druid builds.Idk why you still keep talking about taking reponsibilty for losses and improving. In case you don't know, I have spent several seasons only playing druid and core ranger because it is one of the very few classes that can beat or stalemate any other meta build in the game. Perhaps it is even the only class. It has a couple free wins (aka it doesnt matter how much better the opposing player plays you, win either way e.g. Dh, reaper), most match ups are favorable and in a few (e.g. Mirage, holosmith) you actually have to dodge key skills but they are still 50:50 at worst.

Ikr. People need to know that the current pvp S tier meta can 1v1 anything and win or just dont die to anything. It is a fact. And holding off 2 decent player and staying on cap node is easy. It is a fact, oviously depend on the classes.

And nerfing the healing scaling on rugged growth is in the right direction. And with troll unguent, the real heal down time is just 12 second, and on that 12 second you can use CA form and heal up, and then there is celestial shadow, which is 3 second. So think of these heal cooldown.

Honestly i dont know how to balance around this. Because if you nerf druid heal further, you will end up with a rev 2.0, but on the self susstain side. But if you nerf wilderness survival line too much, it will became useless. ( on the side note druid line is in a near perfect balance spot atm).

And for core ranger. You got to accept the elite spec powercreep, and move on. It is what it is.

For soulbeast. They need to synergy its traits. Soulbeast problem at the moment isnt because of ranger core trait. Soulbeast traits is all over the place. And the dagger is sooooooooo useless, just bin it and burn it.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

What’s your twitch channel? When are you streaming your “so easy to play to win daily prime time AT”? Are you also going to post unedited videos of your gameplay for us to see you destroying everyone?

I don't stream sorry, but I am sure there is some druid out there, whose game play you can watch to improve your own ;)I know that frosty used to stream from time to time but I don't know if he still does.

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@Erzian.5218 said:

Just because some players aren’t willing to improve their builds, learn counter skills and practice... doesn’t mean another professions build needs a nerf.

The last post you made talked about nerfing heal power right? Right. 1. You didn’t know the heal power changes. 2. You didn’t know that CA was already nerfed by 5s. 3. You called for heal nerf on top of the heal nerfs we already had to the healing aspect of the build... when POISON DEBUFFS ALL HEALING BY 33% and recent dev changes made conditions LAST LONGER.

You, and some other players, want to play competitive modes, yet you’re not willing to put in the effort on your own. You get beat and run to the board for nerfs instead of using potential counters in your own builds... and practicing... and learning... The devs will not make you a better player, that’s on you.

And if noncompetitve players keep clamoring for nerfs, and get them because the devs see those players as not capable, then good players will play something else and still destroy you in the little spvp circle.

There are counters for everything. Use them.

In fact, the build is so easy to play, that one can log on after more than 3 months of inactivity and immediately do well enough to win daily prime time ATs.Well, perhaps you can't, but I certainly can ;)

What’s your twitch channel? When are you streaming your “so easy to play to win daily prime time AT”? Are you also going to post unedited videos of your gameplay for us to see you destroying everyone?

I don't stream sorry, but I am sure there is some druid out there, whose game play you can watch to improve your own ;)I know that frosty used to stream from time to time but I don't know if he still does.

I'd much rather see you, the person claiming it's "so easy to play and win". I'm sure you can record your "easy win" play sessions and post unedited vids to youtube, then provide us a link.

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Idk what your point is. You do not even have an argument and all you do is being butt hurt that somebody called your class easy. I have played for 3 seasons and reached up to top 10 on the leader boards while doing so, I still accept that its an easy build and that I have never gotten to top 10 with any other class, despite having more or a comparable amount of games on some of them.

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@Erzian.5218 said:Idk what your point is. You do not even have an argument and all you do is being butt hurt that somebody called your class easy. I have played for 3 seasons and reached up to top 10 on the leader boards while doing so, I still accept that its an easy build and that I have never gotten to top 10 with any other class, despite having more or a comparable amount of games on some of them.

@Erzian.5218 said:Idk what your point is. You do not even have an argument and all you do is being butt hurt that somebody called your class easy. I have played for 3 seasons and reached up to top 10 on the leader boards while doing so, I still accept that its an easy build and that I have never gotten to top 10 with any other class, despite having more or a comparable amount of games on some of them.

That’s you making assumptions.

You say it’s so easy to play and win, so there should be nerfs, then show your stuff and make a case. Your posts read as an unknowledgeable player, yet you make these claims (that remind me of Druid hot qq 2015) and won’t back them up. If the ranger profession is so easy to win with, regardless of skill level, then you should have zero issue with displaying this and providing proof that there should be a nerf.

And I personally don’t care about leaderboards. You say this profession needs a nerf, cause it’s so strong 1v1, then show your win rates, stalemates and 0 losses. Video 100 duels against good players and show the community how easy peasy your wins are.

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I fail to understand how you can expect me to record a video for a random person on the forums while you have yourself provided 0 evidence for your claim that druid isn't over performing and people are just too lazy or bad to adjust their builds accordingly. Perhaps you should start with providing a video of you beating one of the top druids on a non-druid build since, according to your earlier posts, its just a matter of making an effort.Your whole argument for druid not over performing is that I haven't uploaded a video, yet you haven't provided any backup for your claim yourself. I mean I can upload you screen shots of me being top 10 before PoF made me quit for a while, or from the last 2 ATs that I have played. I could also upload a screen shot of the horrible stats that I got from playing DH instead of druid, but I somehow doubt that this will change your mind as you will just claim that they don't prove anything.

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There are a number of routes i see fit in order to tone down druid whilst core/sb remains almost untouched.

  1. Make pets scale with player stats so that a mender druids pet will have a damage reduction compared to thier current output. Whilst being on lets say berserker or mara amu, your pet will naturally be more powerful.

  2. Reduce regeneration of astral force.

  3. Put an icd on celestial shadow.

  4. Remove super speed from celestial shadow and remove stunbreak upon entering avatar.

These suggestions are induvidual, I do not propose all of them in conjuction as it would gimp druid.

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@Erzian.5218 said:I fail to understand how you can expect me to record a video for a random person on the forums while you have yourself provided 0 evidence for your claim that druid isn't over performing and people are just too lazy or bad to adjust their builds accordingly. Perhaps you should start with providing a video of you beating one of the top druids on a non-druid build since, according to your earlier posts, its just a matter of making an effort.Your whole argument for druid not over performing is that I haven't uploaded a video, yet you haven't provided any backup for your claim yourself. I mean I can upload you screen shots of me being top 10 before PoF made me quit for a while, or from the last 2 ATs that I have played. I could also upload a screen shot of the horrible stats that I got from playing DH instead of druid, but I somehow doubt that this will change your mind as you will just claim that they don't prove anything.

@Swagger.1459 said:

@Erzian.5218 said:Idk what your point is. You do not even have an argument and all you do is being butt hurt that somebody called your class easy. I have played for 3 seasons and reached up to top 10 on the leader boards while doing so, I still accept that its an easy build and that I have never gotten to top 10 with any other class, despite having more or a comparable amount of games on some of them.

@Erzian.5218 said:Idk what your point is. You do not even have an argument and all you do is being butt hurt that somebody called your class easy. I have played for 3 seasons and reached up to top 10 on the leader boards while doing so, I still accept that its an easy build and that I have never gotten to top 10 with any other class, despite having more or a comparable amount of games on some of them.

That’s you making assumptions.

You say it’s so easy to play and win, so there should be nerfs, then show your stuff and make a case. Your posts read as an unknowledgeable player, yet you make these claims (that remind me of Druid hot qq 2015) and won’t back them up. If the ranger profession is so easy to win with, regardless of skill level, then you should have zero issue with displaying this and providing proof that there should be a nerf.

And I personally don’t care about leaderboards. You say this profession needs a nerf, cause it’s so strong 1v1, then show your win rates, stalemates and 0 losses. Video 100 duels against good players and show the community how easy peasy your wins are.

how about you both post a video. surely you can give us some insight on how to be and how to play properly being a top 10?

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