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Insta-Down and nothing in combat log

Nokturnal Lunacy.3186

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This week being against SBI and CD I've been down instantly when one of the blobs are around and nothing is in the combat log. 28k hp gone in one hit and my character doesn't even show it being hit or health draining, just downed. Is this a new hack going on? Is it time to just give up gw2 cuz anet won't get rid of hackers and exploit users? It's usually whenever CD zerg is around. See one guy run up to the tower wall and bam im insta-downed. Happens too fast I can't get a screen or see who's doing it. Whoever it is, is hiding in the zerg and you have to know the zerg sees it happening. This has happened to multiple people and its happening during eu and na times mostly. I hope that other CD players will report this person. This has been happening continuously since reset.

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@Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:This week being against SBI and CD I've been down instantly when one of the blobs are around and nothing is in the combat log. 28k hp gone in one hit and my character doesn't even show it being hit or health draining, just downed. Is this a new hack going on? Is it time to just give up gw2 cuz anet won't get rid of hackers and exploit users? It's usually whenever CD zerg is around. See one guy run up to the tower wall and bam im insta-downed. Happens too fast I can't get a screen or see who's doing it. Whoever it is, is hiding in the zerg and you have to know the zerg sees it happening. This has happened to multiple people and its happening during eu and na times mostly. I hope that other CD players will report this person. This has been happening continuously since reset.

I've been hit by something similarly but on occassion for me some of it has been the visuals not rendering for some unknown reason. Other times I had only noticed it was someone under the map that you cannot hit back either. About two days ago was the last time I got hit with nothing registering in combat log but the dmg was appearing in numbers on screen, bunch of condi and other random hits. That kind of thing I can always see the source no matter how lagged I am but this time it was just being applied out of the blue with no source and combat log entries, just osd damage. Whatever it is it was annoying, but oh well.

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Was hit by something like this last week in EU time on NA server. Insta dead, nothing in combat log and no numbers on screen. There does seem to be some "odd" things happening which can't be lag (lag would not stop damage to appear in combat log). Not sure what satisfaction people get from cheating....I find it rather sad.

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@Fuel.3285 said:It could be Zerg latency as well. Simply put, a zerg ran you over and killed you before your computer could even catch up. Zergs can cause my machine to hiccup, often at the worst of times. I will keep my eyes open for hackers though.

This is plausible but I've never really had issues with this even in 3 way fights for smc. I get the normal skill lag and when that happens I leave the area. But the zergs that this person(s) is hiding in might have 15-20 at most and there's no lag happening. The only issue i've had with animations rendering are the scourge shades rendering but I would've seen the hp depletion and it would show up in the combat log.

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