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  1. I think if you just take away all the little details it just becomes "big bully bullying the weak" game mode xd
  2. I do have that chat lag you speak of. A lot of the time it happens when you can see the friends list go online/offline quickly or when that dreaded popup keeps happening (the one about log-in server/network error or whatever), but sometimes it doesn't even do that and there is some desync going on with the chat. Chat can appear to be lagged differently from skill lag because I don't think they are hosted on the same server/instance (my assumption only, as the lag associated with each can be independent from one another).
  3. *WvW player staring at stacks of revive orb in silence* I wouldn't mind being able to collect war machine skins, I kinda like them, so I do wish there was some way we can eventually get them again (and not like in 5 years time from now).
  4. The reason for mid week changes is usually when the bigger side gets bored of roflstomping everyone though for the most part, or people on weekend got their fill.
  5. Ooh I love this one. Especially when you queue eb it kicks you out to char select, but if you queue another border, it's fine. Then you click to queue eb again and then it kicks you out. Then when you finally get it to let you queue for eb, when you click the button to travel to eb it puts you back into queue immediately 🤣 afaik I been dealing with this queue bug for years now so I'm not sure a fix is at hand. I'm not sure if they've fixed it and it got borked again either, but in the end it is still broken after all this time.
  6. In the case of one server I am on, one of my guildmates thinks the changes are really great (denoting how poor things were for our server previously) but I've seen a few people that are in the same alliance server atm are saying it's really horrible (they must've been in a good server before lol).
  7. I'm just trying to garner what people would have said about the changes in restructuring based on how their matchup was is all.
  8. Would your opinion and view change if you were on a server that wasn't winning, and had smaller to no zerg? You don't necessarily have to answer, I'm just curious about views/opinions from either side of the fence. Ty for answering in any case.
  9. I always used the old nameplate when the changes came in and laughed when people were trying to hide like this - but now it's even easier with the longer names xd it's a beacon
  10. Proxmox? I was considering going that route with passthrough.
  11. Back on the old forum I gave the idea for event/map for core/vanilla, which I thought would be fun
  12. Lol you don't have to dramatize it
  13. I wasn't really being serious btw but thank you in any case haha. Btw hasn't it been ages since death's retreat got changed so that it uses more initiative so you can now only do 2 in a row? Edit: was it deaths advance? Nm, shadow retreat on harpoon underwater wiki entry incorrect? Says harpoon gun for shadow retreat. We're talking rifle build right? Unless I misunderstood but I'm still assuming deaths retreat/deaths advance
  14. Boons could have diminishing returns or penalty maybe *I can already hear the screams*
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