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Unsplitting Axe from PvP and PvE


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In the past the devs gave Axe increased Power dmg because they wanted to emphasize on the hybrid dmg.But most of the dmg increases were only in PvP.And now they are planning a new PvP/WvW split with a lot if Axe dmg buffs.I can understand why they wanted to make Axe more attractive in PvP, but why only buffing in PvP?In PvE its a condi spam weapon and it would be a fantastic offset MH for Soulbeast or hybrid ranger in general.

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:Heck, most of the proposed buffs in their first draft - be it a base damage, power coefficient, or damage modifier % increase - could also be applied in PvE since what they are looking to buff in WvW/PvP are also underperforming, decent, or just not being used options in PvE.

MH have an udentity crisis since launch, they should give all MH Weapons hybrid capabbilities, improving Axe is atleast the first step into the right direction.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:In the past the devs gave Axe increased Power dmg because they wanted to emphasize on the hybrid dmg.But most of the dmg increases were only in PvP.And now they are planning a new PvP/WvW split with a lot if Axe dmg buffs.I can understand why they wanted to make Axe more attractive in PvP, but why only buffing in PvP?In PvE its a condi spam weapon and it would be a fantastic offset MH for Soulbeast or hybrid ranger in general.

In the case of axe, only increasing damage for pvp (and possibly wvw) and leaving it underperforming in PvE is... the reason for that is mindbogglingly illogical, and simply stupid. PvE is i no way, shape or form competitive in such way that there would be a reason to have skills deal more damage in pvp compared to pve... I mean, I've never seen anything like it in any game. Ever. Talk about putting effort in to splitting skills in a completly stupid and unnecessary way.

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From reddit thread:

ANET_BenP:We'll be doing revisions to our plans over the next week. Some old splits and some of these new splits may be changed to game-wide

I hope they give old and current MH Axe splits to PvE, because they much needed.

Splitblade will be truly hybrid weapon, with medium condi and medium power damage, not current 5 small power axes doing ~200 damage each. It must hit for 2.5-3k power damage baseline to be relevant.Winters's Bite already can crit to nice 2.5-3k with good stack of might. Winter's Bite impacts an area from Honed Axes must be baseline, it's out of question, so good utility nuke.Ricochet finally will be noticeably better range power weapon than Longbow at very close distances, with his possible 1.2-1.5k close range crits.I would like 10s Might on PvE too, but it can be overbuff, but it also can emphasize Axe hybrid mechanic - stack Might to rise medium condi/power damage to high damage after some time, rewarding constant Range Hybrid damage pressure, than Shortbow.Shortbow also need some little buffs to push it to Range Condi Pressure weapon, not current strange Condi-Utility hybrid.

All this PvPunsplit to PvE will finally make Axe really great truly hybrid weapon.

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@Eleazar.9478 said:Ya the issue is probably mh axe has no uttility so it's still probably not going be used, the only build I've found limited succuss with is on druid as the uttility from cele form makes up for it

Well i am planning on use ut for my SB build i am working towards. Its a hybrid setup and pure dmg, so wouldnt mind if the utikity is not on MH, but the dmg increase very welcome.Sword is utility MH and dagger is something in between.

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Increasing the might on Ricochet from 5s to 10s isn't going to do jack. If they really wanted to boost mainhand axe, then some minor but decent tweaks would be better while making it slightly more interesting.

If only AOE Winter's Bite from Honed Axes could be baseline and Ricochet had a bonus damage modifier vs foes inflicted with weakness to have some synergy within itself with Winter's Bite and within the BM line with Wilting Strike since Honed Axes is there.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:

@Eleazar.9478 said:Ya the issue is probably mh axe has no uttility so it's still probably not going be used, the only build I've found limited succuss with is on druid as the uttility from cele form makes up for it

Well i am planning on use ut for my SB build i am working towards. Its a hybrid setup and pure dmg, so wouldnt mind if the utikity is not on MH, but the dmg increase very welcome.Sword is utility MH and dagger is something in between.

maybe dagger offhand for it, your gunna want a dodge.,

@Wondrouswall.7169 Suggest it on the forums! get over there and suggest it, theyre taking suggestions, its all tentative right now as for buffs/nerfs. copy all those suggestion posts you've had over there

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@Eleazar.9478 said:

@Eleazar.9478 said:Ya the issue is probably mh axe has no uttility so it's still probably not going be used, the only build I've found limited succuss with is on druid as the uttility from cele form makes up for it

Well i am planning on use ut for my SB build i am working towards. Its a hybrid setup and pure dmg, so wouldnt mind if the utikity is not on MH, but the dmg increase very welcome.Sword is utility MH and dagger is something in between.

maybe dagger offhand for it, your gunna want a dodge.,

@Wondrouswall.7169 Suggest it on the forums! get over there and suggest it, theyre taking suggestions, its all tentative right now as for buffs/nerfs. copy all those suggestion posts you've had over there

Put the OS suggestion and the poisonmaster suggestion on there too. Both GM witch do suck too.

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:@Eleazar.9478 & @InsaneQR.7412 All right, I did. Except for Poison Master - I forgot what that was supposed to be. :heartbreak:Granted, I altered some of the suggestions to be... more reasonable(ish).

Basically deadly chill, but with cripple instead of chill and poison instead of bleed.

Poison dmg could be put on refined toxins and we are good.

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@Sarision.6347 said:Just choose one or the other ( I prefer power because of offhand) and give us pistols for next espec.

I doubt they will completely revamp Axe MH to just power, sword would be the better candidate for that. If it stays hybrid idc, i want decent modifier on both if them so we can play power, condi or both with each of them.

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@"InsaneQR.7412" said:I doubt they will completely revamp Axe MH to just power, sword would be the better candidate for that. If it stays hybrid idc, i want decent modifier on both if them so we can play power, condi or both with each of them.

They won't have to revamp or tweak sword if they used your suggestion for Poisonmaster. Seriously, changing PM to "apply poison (let's say 2s) when only the player applies cripple" and moving the poison modifier on RT would open up some options and keep things under control a bit.

Sword, a hybrid with Marksmanship & Wilderness for PO/PM, Trapper's Expertise, Soften the Fall, some condition weapons a bit a extra poison like OH Dagger and Short Bow 4, Longbow 5, SotW's active, Staff 4, and even Glyph of Alignment which can up condi Druids. Some good stuff can come from that one trait being changed that way with a decent amount of synergy across multiple trait lines.

Might not be meta, but I'll take more options. I'd probably be okay with Crippling Thrust on sword's auto not cleaving if they use your PM suggestion if they want to keep the poison application tame so it can't poison groups with auto spam. :trollface:

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:

@"InsaneQR.7412" said:I doubt they will completely revamp Axe MH to just power, sword would be the better candidate for that. If it stays hybrid idc, i want decent modifier on both if them so we can play power, condi or both with each of them.

They won't have to revamp or tweak sword if they used your suggestion for Poisonmaster. Seriously, changing PM to "apply poison (let's say 2s) when only the player applies cripple" and moving the poison modifier on RT would open up some options and keep things under control a bit.

Sword, a hybrid with Marksmanship & Wilderness for PO/PM, Trapper's Expertise, Soften the Fall, some condition weapons a bit a extra poison like OH Dagger and Short Bow 4, Longbow 5, SotW's active, Staff 4, and even Glyph of Alignment which can up condi Druids. Some good stuff can come from that one trait being changed that way with a decent amount of synergy across multiple trait lines.

Might not be meta, but I'll take more options. I'd probably be okay with Crippling Thrust on sword's auto not cleaving if they use your PM suggestion if they want to keep the poison application tame so it can't poison groups with auto spam. :trollface:

Jupp, i know. As the trait came to my mind several months ago i basically thought about a hybrid poison build. And as many cripple as possible. With soulbeast this could get really sweet actually with lots of life steal.Sword needs just some streamlining, and maybe some improvements to get the gap closer upfront instead of the chain, but we'll see.Dagger OH could get some impeovements too, its really lackluster. I hope they put some charges on those skills or just improve them in general.Maybe my dream of a good hybrid poison ranger may come true.

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