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Home Instance Question


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Not sure if this is the right spot but here is my question:

I bought a Basic Leather Rack to help with mats for crafting. I consumed it with my Lvl 80 Guardian Human when I was not in the Salma Home District. When I got there, the rack is backed up to a vendors cart in the middle of the street. Am I destined to be homeless or what can I do to graduate to a single-wide with plumbing?

I was invited to a guildmates Home and it was like walking into the Taj Mahal!!

And if you can't tell already, I am pretty new to GW2. I have searched Wiki, but can't find anything.

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Are you asking why you don't have an actual house in your home instance? It is a bit of an odd concept but that's just how GW2 does it - your home instance is the district of the city where your character lives, not their house. There is currently no way to get an individual house.

As for your guild mates home, I can think of two possibilities - they took you to the norn one in Hoelbrak, which is inside the largest building in the city, or it was the guild hall which belongs to the whole guild, not one person. (If it literally looked like the Taj Mahal then it was definitely the guild hall from PoF.)

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That was their home instance then. There are 5 - one for each race, and each one is themed on that race and city. Norn mostly live communally so their home instance is a part of the Great Lodge. But apart from being inside a huge building rather than an area with lots of smaller buildings it's exactly the same as the human one.

When it says it belongs to them that just means their upgrades (like the leather rack) will appear rather than yours, or anyone else's in the party.

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It's also worth noting that each character can enter any home instance and your account upgrades will all be there (all upgrades for home instance are account-bound).

For example, I can take a charr character into the Hero's Canton (Black Citadel home instance) one day to harvest, then the next take it into the Salma District (Divinity's Reach home instance) and harvest there. This is solo.

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To clarify a tiny bit further, whoever initiates the instance is the instance "owner." This is true for story instances as well. In story, it means the one that started it will be the character interacting and making choices. In the home instance, it means the one that started it will be the one whose upgrades all show up (these will be nodes and various npcs relevant to the story, architecturally every home instance is the same by race, and you can enter any of the five on any race and see the exact same layout including where the upgrade nodes are placed, which is done by the game, not the player).

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@"Stik.7243" said:Not sure if this is the right spot but here is my question:

I bought a Basic Leather Rack to help with mats for crafting. I consumed it with my Lvl 80 Guardian Human when I was not in the Salma Home District. When I got there, the rack is backed up to a vendors cart in the middle of the street. Am I destined to be homeless or what can I do to graduate to a single-wide with plumbing?

I was invited to a guildmates Home and it was like walking into the Taj Mahal!!

And if you can't tell already, I am pretty new to GW2. I have searched Wiki, but can't find anything.

I feel you man, it takes a while to pimp out your home instance.You can find more info here:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Home_instance

I have been playing for a while and I have about 40% maybe done, so alot more to go. But it gets expensive so if you really want to fill up your home instance be ready to save up a lot of gold, your going to need it. Good luck :)

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