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I think I'm having the same problem, although it's hard to tell. Mine got stuck and I tried reloading but that has done nothing. My client won't download past 5,752 Files, no matter what I do. It's been stuck there for the last 30 minutes.

Update: 40 minute mark and it finally started downloading again.

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I can keep goosing mine to show a download speed, but it's taken me a few hours to go from 5635 files remaining to 5630 files remaining. I just took a 40 minute food break and when I returned it was sitting at 0 speed and still at 5630 files to go. I started loading at noon, moments after the patch hit. It is now 4:51 pm. I'm wondering if it's claiming it's loading stuff but not actually finishing grabbing files.

I admit that any time I see it sit at 0 speed for as long as it takes me to slowly mouse to the close window button, I'm closing and restarting since I get a couple of minutes of putative download when I do before it goes back to 0. If that's somehow making it loop back to the start of the file I'd appreciate an official comment telling me not to do that.

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Update: It could be coincidence, but it does seem to hang at the end of each file and require a restart of the launcher to continue. Of course it also hangs mid file, repeatedly. However, I have not yet seen the files remaining tick down since 5630, just had it come up one number lower after a restart. I am now at 5625 remaining after my most recent restart. (Thus not a huge sample size to show file completion is triggering a stall).

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I have the same problem. It hit 76% and then stalled. Download speed dropped to less than 40kg/sec and frequently hangs on 0kg/sec. I've restarted the client several times but it seems to make no difference. I've been stuck at 5,641 for nearly an hour now. =( Please fix it. At this rate it will take all night to finish downloading. sigh

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I'm starting to think I'm on to something. Going to 5624, 23, and 22 each required a launcher restart to reset the counter. I may have to babysit this thing all night so as to restart it each time it completes a file ... 5,621 more times ....

Anyone know of a mirror site for the patch, or is that not modernly possible?

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@Donari.5237 said:Update: A friend found me this workaround: Apply -assetsrv to your shortcut target (remember to leave a space between " and - ) and restart the launcher. Boom, my last 5K files loaded in seconds.

Thanks. I did that and it finally finished. I still had to restart it a few times but at least it was downloading at 2mb/sec vs the 40kg-0kg/sec.

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