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How do i raise my personal fractal level?


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I've started getting back into fractals again and I cant seem to figure out how to raise my level. I cant change the scale past 42, which is my current level or join a party that is higher. It seems like 42 is just my wall and I cant seem to get past it. Its not my AR, cause I have 72 AR. So what could it be? it doesn't explain it very well.

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I recall T3 fracts become a dead zone of progression. But I say just keep at it. Reminder that you do need 150 ar to do full T4 fracts.Iirc my own experience. I just did my 150 ar in advance and joined T4's when I could. I may not have the fractals unlocked, but most people have access these days.

It's worth it if you are short on gold or extra ascended gear. You make an average of 10g per day doing full T4 fracts. I've accumulated 3-5 sets of ascended armour / weapons with a year of fractals.

In the end Just plug away at dailies that you have enough AR for, you'll eventually progress into T3, and T4.

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