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Playing Guild Wars 2 on Linux - Performance optimizations and more.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" Thanks :) my rig is more modest:

  • i5-3570k @ 4.2GHz (OC'd)
  • GTX 1060 6GB (Stock)
  • 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM

Running Solus with the latest Nvidia stable driver. I downloaded the stable package again and I've had 0 crashes -- even though the D9VK package uses less CPU/RAM.

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@"IWAY.8231" said:There are only 2 Linux based Distros that are listed as UNIX compliant/UNIX like currently.

Do you know why it is so? and who did some "magic" on those two?

Incorrect No Linux Distributions are Citified as UNIX, All Linux Distros are mostly POSIX compliant, but there's no formal POSIX stamp on them. for the simple reason of money becoming tested for POSIX compliance costs thousands of US Dollars and only effect one point version and with some distros shipping a new version every six months testing would be a waist of money not to mention one a version completed the testing process it would be woefully out of date http://get.posixcertified.ieee.org/certification_guide.html

this lack of UNIX or even POSIX stamp has not stopped Linux from becoming the most common operating system on servers, and supercomputers and Just the kernel has gone further than the Linux with GNU user land.

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I currently can't finish the story step "Descent" of the new LW4 story. First time it crashed was, after what I think was an end cutscene for the instance, on a blackscreen. 3 More attempts did make the game freeze before loading even the cutscene (no blackscreen that time).

These were the last couple of lines from the debug of the 4th attempt.

0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0043:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x31000000 0 0x265ee80 4 stub 0043:fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x16f4): stub 0043:fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x14fc): stub 0043:fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x182c): stub 010a:fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x78cfd78): stub

My desktop PC runs Ubuntu 18.04 LTS that had been upgraded from 16.04 LTS. It has an i5-6500 CPU, a NVidia GTX1060 3GB and 8GB ram. Because the last line mentions "audio" I want to add that I use a PCI-e soundcard and cheapish 5.1 boxes. I used the "wine_gw2_1.6.2_nvidia" setup.

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@"Scande.5908" said:I currently can't finish the story step "Descent" of the new LW4 story. First time it crashed was, after what I think was an end cutscene for the instance, on a blackscreen. 3 More attempts did make the game freeze before loading even the cutscene (no blackscreen that time).

These were the last couple of lines from the debug of the 4th attempt.

0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0086:fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x82cecb0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 12 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 86, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.". 0043:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x31000000 0 0x265ee80 4 stub 0043:fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x16f4): stub 0043:fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x14fc): stub 0043:fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x182c): stub 010a:fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0x78cfd78): stub

My desktop PC runs Ubuntu 18.04 LTS that had been upgraded from 16.04 LTS. It has an i5-6500 CPU, a NVidia GTX1060 3GB and 8GB ram. Because the last line mentions "audio" I want to add that I use a PCI-e soundcard and cheapish 5.1 boxes. I used the "wine_gw2_1.6.2_nvidia" setup.

Those errors you see in log are quite common and not related to that particular crash, have you tried to repair the client? I did that story just yesterday and worked fine.

In other news:

Last night Joshua Ashton, (the author of D9VK) has added a fix for the buggy always-present cursor. Since the game works almost perfectly now, I have promoted the D9VK-GW2 package to rc1 status. The only remaining issue is the square shaped sun when Shaders are set to 'High' but otherwise it appears stable and glitch free :)

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@"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

Those errors you see in log are quite common and not related to that particular crash, have you tried to repair the client? I did that story just yesterday and worked fine.

Even the last couple of lines are nothing that shows "weirdness"? The top lines always repeat that's why I didn't copy everything.I did play the mission now around 10 times. I let the game "repair" itself 2 times, tried it with an alt, tried it with the lowest possible graphics settings and even used my "old" playonlinux setup (I moved my .dat for that). The game always froze right after Kralkatorik shouts "mother". What still confuses me greatly is, that I was able to see the full cutscene the very first time, but after that it never got loaded again (and sadly it didn't count the story step as finished either).

I really would like to avoid having to download a full new .dat file as my internet speed is quite awful, but I really don't know what else I could try. Any suggestions?

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@Scande.5908 said:

@"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:

Those errors you see in log are quite common and not related to that particular crash, have you tried to repair the client? I did that story just yesterday and worked fine.

Even the last couple of lines are nothing that shows "weirdness"? The top lines always repeat that's why I didn't copy everything.I did play the mission now around 10 times. I let the game "repair" itself 2 times, tried it with an alt, tried it with the lowest possible graphics settings and even used my "old" playonlinux setup (I moved my .dat for that). The game always froze right after Kralkatorik shouts "mother". What still confuses me greatly is, that I was able to see the full cutscene the very first time, but after that it never got loaded again (and sadly it didn't count the story step as finished either).

I really would like to avoid having to download a full new .dat file as my internet speed is quite awful, but I really don't know what else I could try. Any suggestions?

He was reffering the D9VK based version. not old playonlinux setup.you can find it on lutris (https://lutris.net/games/guild-wars-2/) - last installer specifically.also, i would recommend to use wine-4.6 tkg when running it. (at this time of writing... in case someone reads it in the future ;))

Yesterday i've submitted a request to update D9VK version to the one that fixes the cursor issue.hopefully it will be accepted and published soon. keep an eye ;)

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@"DxCx.8653" said:He was reffering the D9VK based version. not old playonlinux setup.

I haven't tested D9VK and I also did not post anything related to that. I mentioned my "old" playonlinux setup, because it was different to what @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" has created and it was quite easy for me to test with that too. This specific "old" setup I have is not from the normal playonlinux script available and has several big problems like crashing in fullscreen and memory leaks.But that is all really not that important to me currently. My real problem is that I can't finish the current LW4 chapter and therefor also can't unlock the new skyscale mount. Furthermore, I did manage to complete LW3 just recently, aswell as do several LW2 missions without issues. It really is only just the current chapter that is causing me troubles and I don't seem to be alone with that, although those people also do play on linux too.

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i am playing using the regular lutris setup for a while now, (i can find my exact small modfications if you like, but generally it works and stable)recently changing on and off with d9vk (arcpds doesn't work there yet unfortunatly, but when it will, i'll play only with that)anyhow, i was able to do all LS4 content on linux.

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I found a .xsession-errors file which isn't empty, it was however last modified in August 2018. As for the driver I simply use the default one that Ubuntu 18.04.02 LTS directly offers under "additional drivers" which is version 390.116. Current help with the debugging is continuing in this thread keeping this topic open in 2 separate threads is counterproductive I think.

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@"Scande.5908" For what it's worth, the stable driver shipped with 18.04 is out of date. You can circumvent potential driver issues by using the PPA. This should only affect D9VK usage, though.

I had 0 issues with Episode 6 on Solus. Seems that those suffering issues are on Debian Stable or an Ubuntu release -- I'd surmise it's more to do with the distribution than GW2. Have you tried the portable package in the OP?

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Weirdly enough I was able to finish the mission now. What I did was play the mission in windowed mode (all earlier attempts were in "windowed fullscreen" or fullscreen), but more importantly though I exchanged my GW2.dat with a backup from a year ago. I assume my GW2.dat at some point got corrupted and it was unable to be repaired by the client. This would also explain why I actually could see the cinematic the first time, when the game crashed loading into the epilogue (which I wrongly assumed to be the loading into the regular map).Again thanks for showing interest in my problems @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" , @DxCx.8653 , @"cyanidecapsule.3926" , aswell as everyone else who followed it and offering opinions on potential issues. If I had remembered about my GW2.dat backup I would have tried it earlier and it would have saved myself and especially you quite some headache. But as I mentioned earlier, my Internet just isn't that good to simply download ~50GB of files.

Edit: I replayed the mission again with another character in "windowed fullscreen", so I confirm at least for me that my GW2.dat was corrupt and couldn't be repaired.

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@"jinxlaw.9467" Not the answer to your question, but I use a .desktop file to run GW2.

In the Exec line, you can specify the LD_PRELOAD library (gamemode), then the full path to play.sh

I'll edit this with my file when I'm home. Check the ArchWiki and GameMode repository if you're impatient :)

Edit: How to create a .desktop file

Edit II:

Exec=env LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libgamemodeauto.so" /home/user/Games/GW2/play.sh # Append PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 above if audio crackling occursName=Guild Wars 2Icon=/home/user/Games/GW2/GW2_Icon.png
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@jinxlaw.9467 said:@"cyanidecapsule.3926" I've successfully created a .desktop file that opens gw2 through play.sh, but I'm not sure how to add the LD_PRELOAD into it.Also, thanks for the link, super helpful!

Hi, you can go into the "bin" folder and in a text editor open up the 'user_run' file. Right under '#Wine Settings' add: export LD_PRELOAD="/path/toyourfile.so". Let me know if you get stuck.

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@ArmoredVehicle.2849 said:

@jinxlaw.9467 said:@"cyanidecapsule.3926" I've successfully created a .desktop file that opens gw2 through play.sh, but I'm not sure how to add the LD_PRELOAD into it.Also, thanks for the link, super helpful!

Hi, you can go into the "bin" folder and in a text editor open up the 'user_run' file. Right under '
#Wine Settings
' add:
export LD_PRELOAD="/path/toyourfile.so"
. Let me know if you get stuck.

It worked flawlessly. Thank you!

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New release announcement (sort of):

Starting from today, I have flipped the switch for the (D9VK) Vulkan version of the package to serve as the new stable release. As most of you are probably already aware, this brings with it a major performance boost. There is currently one known issue with Nvidia GPU's which renders the sun as a square in some areas when Postprocessing is set to 'High', other than that I didn't encounter any stability issues.

As for the old packages using WineD3D (OpenGL) they are now deprecated but will still be available for download (and updated if necessary). The download links for these can be found at the bottom of the first post.

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