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Deadeye damage


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@Vertep.2498 said:so to everyone saying rifle is fine for dps in pve...it isnt fine...waiting much time to shot only 2-3 shots of DJ per 20+ seconds and then auto attacks spam is just pathetic, not dps

another last way to dps is TRB which also is pathetic in dps...I just compared TRB with and without different buffs with unload on golems...and unload in every way had 2x more damage per skill used with not to mention about initiative cost

when without buffs kneel TRB was hitting for me average from 2k to max 6.6k burst hits from single skill serie from worst case into the luckiest shot with 100% crits on hits :Pwhen unload was hitting from 6k worst case up to 8.5k without buffs

now come to test with max average uptime selfbuffs including malice

worst case 3.5k hits with TRB max to 8.1k hits

unload worst hits with unlucki to crits was from 8k single skill used up to max hit per single skill 16k with the best scenerio with crits but average unload burst was for 14k

so unload mostly have dobled damage in compare to TRB with not to mention about initiative cast of unload with return and expensive TRB

You need to re-do your tests. I did them with buffs to try remove the damage fluctuations between the weapon sets. The results:

In a vacuum, yeah, unload has higher damage than 3RB, but the autos on rifle hit much harder in between and provide a good source of vulnerability if your enemy isn't at the cap. There are improvements that could be made to rifle, but the damage isn't bad while kneeling. P/P probably holds the advantage in short fights where an enemy would die in 3-4 unloads, but in longer fights kneeling rifle wins out. The removal of quickness might shift it slightly in favor of P/P, but I don't think enough to completely overcome the difference in the 2 weapon sets.

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@LazerusKI.7485 said:

@DeceiverX.8361 said:I mean no disrespect, but you really need to learn more about the profession and game if you're going to make posts like these while simultaneously trying to offer high-level insight on what needs change. It ruins your credibility and honestly, ANet taking suggestions from people with limited understanding of the game is ultimately why we're here.well, there are not that many teleport-to-enemy abilities, Steal is out of question since it was asked for deadeye, which leaves the Signet, right? I mean...what else is there when not that? Since it was a melee attack it was also obviously not a rifle or pistol, and staff cant be used by deadeyes. So the only weapon set i can think about would be daggers. all i did was taking a guess of what could have caused this "telefrag". And so far no one else answered it, not even you.edit: ok there is also the shadowstep from sword.but overall there is simply no "teleport and oneshot" ability.

probably classic d/p 31111. It's not one hit. But to some people it looks that way. The squishier you the are, the more it feels that way.

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@LazerusKI.7485 said:

@DeceiverX.8361 said:I mean no disrespect, but you really need to learn more about the profession and game if you're going to make posts like these while simultaneously trying to offer high-level insight on what needs change. It ruins your credibility and honestly, ANet taking suggestions from people with limited understanding of the game is ultimately why we're here.well, there are not that many teleport-to-enemy abilities, Steal is out of question since it was asked for deadeye, which leaves the Signet, right? I mean...what else is there when not that? Since it was a melee attack it was also obviously not a rifle or pistol, and staff cant be used by deadeyes. So the only weapon set i can think about would be daggers. all i did was taking a guess of what could have caused this "telefrag". And so far no one else answered it, not even you.edit: ok there is also the shadowstep from sword.but overall there is simply no "teleport and oneshot" ability.

There are three no-tell instant-speed utility teleports on the core thief outside of steal, any of which could have been utilized, which can be cast during animations.DJ and TRB at the posting time had better damage than backstab given a few stacks of malice.Berserker-stat damage was buffed with the food changes.There is a great damage modifier available that applies extra damage on a CC'ed opponent.Might is super easy to stack on DE, especially if one of the aforementioned teleports was used.Easy 10+ vuln at instant speed with no animation available to core thief as well.Damage modifiers stack multiplicatively, and the thief has the best access to these modifiers in the game.Multiple hits can be stacked into teleports due to projectile travel speeds, especially combined with Quickness, which the DE also has plenty of access to.There was a bug with DE that made them permanently invisible in the PvP environments up until recently and culled their VFX.

So this scenario is totally believable and there are a ton of ways this could have been achieved.

All of this goes back to what I said about just not knowing what you're talking about.

It's also Mag, which means the possibility of the guy hacking is already like 50%, which he already mentioned could have been.

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@jaif.3518 said:There is burst damage, and overall damage. A weapon shouldn't have both.

I want rifle to be a ranged burst weapon. I like that concept. Your post is another way of saying "nerf this in PvP so it can be used in PvE".

Are you for real? A weapon needs BOTH.

And I am perfectly fine with nerfing PvP (something I hate) Deadeye in order to gain another good PvE weapon.

I also prefer that everything is a good all arounder. I HATE OVERSPECIALIZATION.

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