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SAB Bonus round baubles not adding

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After World 2 Zone 3 there's a bonus round in which you're beset by bandits. When you kill these bandits they drop baubles for you. Unfortunately, these baubles are not adding into my wallet. They can steal them from you but their dropped loot doesn't add in.

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It will reward baubles by chest even if you're full. As in your bauble count will increase when you open the bouncing chest at the end of a zone, but not by drops/running through the baubles.

Are you sure you've bought both the bag purse and totem bag upgrades?

You can collect up to 250 baubles without upgrades.Bag purse costs 250 baubles and then you can collect 500.Tote bag costs 500 baubles and you can then collect 750.

I save opening the bouncing reward chests to when I finish the world and return to hub.

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I did both of the bonus events (cart/bandits) and could collect baubles up to my cap of 750, you need the bauble tote to be able to collect this amount. Wiggly chests add onto this cap, but you can’t physically collect more than your bag allows once it’s full (250/ 500 with purse upgrade /750 with tote upgrade).

Did you use a bomb or shoot your slingshot? The bandits also steal baubles from you. Which should account for your ‘loss’ of two baubles.

It looks like you don’t have your bag upgrades on this particular character (non of the SAB upgrades are account bound purchase, they’re character bound). You can check on gw2efficiency all your SAB upgrades on your characters.

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