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@devs: Superior Sigil of Bursting availability broken

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I'm curious as to what I've missed myself — do you have a link to the list of roughly 2000 items that have been available over the last 365 days?

2000 items available from the PSNA?? :o Most of those from your search result are not PSNA items (for instance, I recognize all the HoT and PoF runes there, among other things).

And no, I have no list, but I assume this was just your way of telling me that I cannot possibly have learnt all the recipes only available via the PSNA? ;)

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tl;dr the most important thing to know is that a recent game update should ensure that the PSNA item selection will be much more interesting over the next 12 months than it probably has been before. (Separately, the OP & I seem to be talking at cross purposes.)

It seems likely that the PSN Agents will be offering a better selection going forward than they did over the last year. A couple of weeks ago, the patch notes included this line

Merchants that change what they offer every day should have a better randomization of their available items. In some cases, this may cause them to offer items they've never sold before. (This means you, Priory Historian Elisa.)

Elisa definitely started offering the remaining Warbeast recipes she never displayed before and I've seen other daily vendors update their wares (e.g. the commendation trader in upgraded guild halls). I can't validate with the PSNA were affected (since, as I mentioned, I don't check often), but it seems likely.

My apologies for not remembering this sooner, since I think it addresses the OP's primary interest.

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Regarding the other points:

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:I'm curious as to what I've missed myself — do you have a link to the list of roughly 2000 items that have been available over the last 365 days?

2000 items available from the PSNA?? :o Most of those from your search result are
PSNA items (for instance, I recognize all the HoT and PoF runes there, among other things).The list is simply all the superior rune/sigil recipes out there, based on the statement in the original post that "All superior sigils and runes have been up for trade " — so I produced a list of all superior sigil & rune recipes. It seems that I misunderstood that you meant "all superior sigil and rune recipes that are possibly available from PSNAs."

Regarding the total numbers: since there are 6 agents and 365 days in a year, over the last year, I'd expect them to offer about 2000 items per year. I'm sure that includes a lot of duplication, so it's probably not 2000 unique items.

And no, I have no list, but I assume this was just your way of telling me that I cannot possibly have learnt all the recipes only available via the PSNA? ;)No, I'm really asking because I don't check most of the time; I'm curious as to what I might have missed out on. You seem to know exactly what was offered over the last 12 months, so I thought you had access to a list.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:tl;dr the most important thing to know is that a recent game update should ensure that the PSNA item selection will be much more interesting over the next 12 months than it probably has been before.

I've read that update note, but still, this is on today again and has been like a million times these past six months:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe:_Superior_Rune_of_Exuberance

However, still no sign of "Recipe: Superior Sigil of Bursting", while its major and minor versions have also been on repeatedly. Even the very rare recipe for Dwayna's back piece has been available twice during this time.

That's why I am wondering if there might be a bug involving the Superior Sigil of Bursting recipe.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:tl;dr the most important thing to know is that a recent game update should ensure that the PSNA item selection will be much more interesting over the next 12 months than it probably has been before.

I've read that update note, but still, this is on today
and has been like a million times these past six months:

However, still no sign of "Recipe: Superior Sigil of Bursting", while its major and minor versions have also been on repeatedly. Even the very rare recipe for Dwayna's back piece has been available twice during this time.

That's why I am wondering if there might be a bug involving the Superior Sigil of Bursting recipe.

It's too soon to tell what sort of difference the patch made on PSNA. It's only been a few weeks, the list of potential items is long, and it's almost certain that the odds aren't even. Plus, if we don't have a list of what dropped from e.g. Jan 2018 to March 2018, it's hard to know if things are or are not different from Mid April 2018 to today.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:All superior sigils and runes have been up for trade with the Pact Supply Network Agents within the past year, but not this one.Nope, turns out, it was available at least once in the last 5 months:https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/7hnhuo/psa_superior_sigil_of_bursting_recipe_available/

Recipe: Superior Sigil of Bursting - lost forever?Answer: no. It showed the same as any other coveted item in the list before the March update I mentioned earlier, i.e. rarely. (Too soon to know what sort of patterns we can see going forward, since the update wasn't that long ago and the list of possible items is long.)

Further Reading
  • GW2 Timer — main page allows you to see what items are available at the PSNAs each day
  • GW2 Timer recipe history — frequency data from 2016 (Superior Sigil of Bursting appeared nine times.)
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And again, the Bough of Melandru today, which has been on repeatedly, and yesterday all sorts of rare and superior items that I have seen several times since I last posted here.

There is something wrong, I'm telling you.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@"Ashantara.8731" said:All superior sigils and runes have been up for trade with the Pact Supply Network Agents within the past year, but not this one.Nope, turns out, it was available at least once in the last 5 months:

Okay, probably the one day I didn't look. GG. Still, 5 months ago. All the the superior stuff has been up repeatedly since then, but not this particular one.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:Okay, probably the one day I didn't look. GG. Still, 5 months ago. All the the superior stuff has been up repeatedly since then, but not this particular one.

You can save yourself some time by visiting gw2timer.com, and looking at the (community contributed) list of items for sale. It usually updates fairly fast after reset, and will save you the risk of missing out without needing to log in first.

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@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Okay, probably the one day I didn't look. GG. Still, 5 months ago. All the the superior stuff has been up repeatedly since then, but not this particular one.

You can save yourself some time by visiting gw2timer.com, and looking at the (community contributed) list of items for sale. It usually updates fairly fast after reset, and will save you the risk of missing out without needing to log in first.

Huh? I thought the PSNA feature was removed a year ago. Will check this out, thanks!

Edit: It has indeed returned. Yay! =)

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@Ashantara.8731 said:And again, the Bough of Melandru today, which has been on repeatedly, and yesterday all sorts of rare and superior items that I have seen several times since I last posted here.

There is something wrong, I'm telling you.You can see why people might be skeptical of such a claim.

Either start making a full list or find someone who has. Then come back and post the data and let people draw their own conclusions.

@Ashantara.8731 said:All superior sigils and runes have been up for trade with the Pact Supply Network Agents within the past year, but not this one.Nope, turns out, it was available at least once in the last 5 months:

Okay, probably the one day I didn't look. GG. Still, 5 months ago. All the the superior stuff has been up repeatedly since then, but not this particular one.

And maybe you didn't look 3 months ago or 7 months ago.

And you're still not taking into account the change that ANet made just a few weeks ago that changed the randomization of vendors that change their selections daily or weekly. It's much, much too soon to make any claims at all about what recipes are or are not showing up with the new rotations.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Ashantara.8731 said:Okay, probably the one day I didn't look. GG. Still, 5 months ago. All the the superior stuff has been up repeatedly since then, but not this particular one.

You can save yourself some time by visiting gw2timer.com, and looking at the (community contributed) list of items for sale. It usually updates fairly fast after reset, and will save you the risk of missing out without needing to log in first.

Huh? I thought the PSNA feature was removed a year ago. Will check this out, thanks!Edit: It has indeed returned. Yay! =)

They killed the routine schedule, knowable by machine. gw2timer.com now has a human-sourced backend for that, so it reflects what human beings tell it are being sold. It also, obviously, requires the time for someone to visit the vendor, and report the data, rather than being instantly updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ashantara.8731 said:Minor and Major have been available again these past days (like so many times), yet again no Superior one. Superior Torment and other superior ones have been available dozens of times these past few months.

What is going on?

Again, the new system only started 27 March — that's under two months ago. Unless you provide a list of what's been made available since the start of the new system, it's hard to say whether there's a meaningful pattern or not. For now, all you can say is that one item out of ~100 hasn't shown up in ~50 days. It's reasonable to expect that minor and masterwork recipes repeat more often (both because they are of more common rarity and because there are fewer of them).

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Again, the new system only started 27 March — [...]

Regardless, we are getting the Superior Rune of Antitoxin today for the third time in a week or two, yet no sign of the Superior Sigil of Bursting (Major has been available several time, though). I feel like ANet is trolling me. ;)

You keep saying the same thing every time you bump the thread. Show the list of all the listings since 27 March and we can do some statistical analysis. Without the data, all we have is your feeling, which isn't indicative of anything more than you really want this particular recipe.

As it happens, I have the recipe (from when it was originally in game). If you want to send me the mats, I'll make as many as you like. Otherwise, you can buy them on the TP for 5g and change (the mats are valued at 4g70 and change, so it's not much savings). (I realize that's not the point of your interest: you want to be self-sufficient. I'm just offering it as an alternative while you wait.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Show the list of all the listings since 27 March and we can do some statistical analysis.

I don't keep a list, I simply keep checking every day - and while every other Superior Rune and Sigil has come up repeatedly since I have started this thread, yet no sight of the Superior Sigil of Bursting (only its minor variant, which has been available multiple times during this time), I would rather suggest for ANet to check their database links. Something appears to be broken.

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They may have the odds of getting the Superior Sigil of Bursting set higher than the rest of the offerings for a reason. The TP price has been high for this sigil I bet the next showing of this sigil on the PSNA will flood the TP and tank the price. I've been watching the PSNA for a while now. I've seen the same item show up on two agents on the same day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This has gotten beyond ridiculous. ALL other superior runes and sigils as well as ascended recipes (Bough of Melandru) have been up MULTIPLE times since I have started this thread. But STILL NO SIGHT of the Superior Sigil of Bursting (and I just needed it again, but am sick of paying over 6g for it when I could craft it).

@Gaile Gray.6029: Could you please check in with the devs? Thank you.

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