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Trying to Return

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I used to play this game religiously back in 2014 till 2016, then took a huge break. I'm currently trying to get back into the game, but I am completely lost on where to begin with. I did finish Heart of Thorns, but have yet to buy Path of Fire because I'm too scared I'll be lost with where to begin with. I'm mostly a WvW player, and even made it to Diamond a couple of PvP seasons back then. People used to farm SW when I quit, and I was into that too, since I found it quite relaxing after a long day at work. It would be of much help if someone could give me some ideas of where I could look to start around, what are people farming these days and whatnot.

Thanks :)

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Welcome back. SW is still a thing. RIBA farmtrains with mounts are the way to go these days. I do them pretty often, i find they are relaxing too. LS 4 mapmetas are getting farmed to by a huge group of people. Also the good old HoT metas still alive and played. I`m not really into pvp/wvw so maybe someone else can something say about this.

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Wvw doesn't really get anything new to its concept so it's always easy to get back into it. Most of meta builds nowadays require PoF, so you might wanna buy it eventually.

When it comes to pve, living story 3 is part of HoT and is the best source of farming ascended trinkets with core+HoT stats so make sure you get couple of episodes (3rd being the easiest/most important one). Metabattle has a guide on gearing if you need that as well.

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If you have finished HoT there is not much to catch up. The only thing you missed before PoF is the Living World season 3 maps. I would start there cause they are also good relaxing content as you say, very often farmed by people just like SW and it will help you catch up on the story. Also HoT metas are regularly farmed just like SW so these are also good candidates for relaxed farming. Then if you buy PoF the main farming activities are bounty trains on the PoF maps and meta events farmed in the new season 4 maps.

WvW and PvP has not changed much beside a few interesting additions (like zones and gliding). You can still use HoT Specs for now and still have fun. There is really not much to catch up in the sense of getting lost since you have completed HoT. You just have a good deal of more content options to follow and new Specs to learn if you buy PoF.

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