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Exploit on Eternal Battlegrounds

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There is still a way to get under the map on Eternal Battlegrounds...I first reported this bug about 4 months ago so i thought i try again...

Since i am not allowed to share details here, i wont =PFor more information its best to contact me( Helios.5196 on Kodasch) ingame, since i rarely drop by here in the forum.Information will only be shared with official support.


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Reporting wvw bugs ingame xDI do that with another bug there, on average i report the same one about every 3 months since over a year...Contacting support directly, did over over the exploit email address in January too, but i probably should try again, youre right i guess.

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My point is i already send an email to exploits@arena.net 4 Months ago, i even offered to show it ingame in case there would be problems.But i never heard back and the exploit is still ingame.I also opened a support ticket a couple days ago, but havent heard back yet.

I reposted here because i think this should be fixed and as far as i can tell a fix would be really easy to accomplish...

It gives only one server an advantage, it allows the server to capture a specific tower without breaking down the wall or gate, you can destroy gates or kill players( although that is hard to do) without a posibillity for them to fight back.If you are under the map you can attack but only be attacked by aoe abillities but thats easy avoidable.I even managed at one place to "port" back up on the map but havent managed to do that in a tower or castle...The only good thing is its not possible to build stuff like a catapult or a ram under the map or take a golem down there, which would increase the advantage of beeing down there alot.

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@"Ok I Did It.2854" said:I thought Anet fixed this along time ago now, by making it if you get under the map it killed you, or auto ported you out.

Yes there is this feature, but it has its problems. Under the map it only kills you if you dive to deap, since you have to take in account that there are "lakes" and " rivers" abouth, because of that you can swim around almost freely, though you have to pay attention in some places.It killed me quite a few times while trying to explore other paths, outside the map area you are supposed to be, but there are huge areas you can go to, a bigger problem is a crash that you experience if you go in/towards a certain area.Its pretty well implemented on the other WvW maps, in my experience, but not on Eternal battlegrounds.

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