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Currently accepting all classes for WvW play. Emphasis on Scourges/Firebrands/Spell breakers. Guild builds preferred but not mandatory.

Also looking for 1 or 2 more dedicated mesmers. Our current main Mesmer is stretched thin from work and school. Message Goatmander for specific info if interested.

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Interesting. I've been waiting for a long time to be able to transfer to Tarnished Coast and have been looking around for a good guild to join up with as I'm way out of practice after picking the game back up. As long as you don't mind a casual player with not as much free time to play, this sounds up my alley. I'm sort of worried about my relative skill after being away for so long, though.

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@Mouse.3271 said:Interesting. I've been waiting for a long time to be able to transfer to Tarnished Coast and have been looking around for a good guild to join up with as I'm way out of practice after picking the game back up. As long as you don't mind a casual player with not as much free time to play, this sounds up my alley. I'm sort of worried about my relative skill after being away for so long, though.

Howdy Mouse! Absolutely. I have a number of players who attend events when they can and touch base through Discord or guild chat to be social. My two main officers stepped back in earlier this year after being away for three years. I would actually say predominantly the people in my guild are either brand new or returning players. We often joke that this is where guild leaders go to retire. I believe I'm up to 8 souls who used to lead big guilds on the server back in the day. :) Come along and check us out! TC has changed quite a bit and yet it is still the server I love to call home.

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Transferred to Tarnished Coast before it closed just to be able to run with the herd. Now with work clearing up a bit I will be able to take the plunge into WvW. I'm about as skilled as a sack of potatoes when it comes to any sort of PvP in this game, but this guild sounds like a riot. If you don't mind me being a casual player I look forward to join up with the guild.

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@Bungledorf.5340 said:Transferred to Tarnished Coast before it closed just to be able to run with the herd. Now with work clearing up a bit I will be able to take the plunge into WvW. I'm about as skilled as a sack of potatoes when it comes to any sort of PvP in this game, but this guild sounds like a riot. If you don't mind me being a casual player I look forward to join up with the guild.

I've noticed you in the Discord! We'll add you tonight and get you sorted right quick. Fortunately I have uses for potatoes. I mean I am Irish after all. Welcome to the herd! Mind the leavings. The maid service doesn't come until Wednesday.

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@OldSchool.4268 said:Have any room for old farts? I'll be keeping an eye on you.

Of course! I'm 41 myself. The youngest in the guild is 18 and the eldest is over 50. :) I've got a pretty big mix across the board. The average age is probably late 20s/early 30s. Hit me up in game if you want. You can always give us a try for awhile and see what you think too.

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