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Professions wanted/needed most in groups (PvE)?

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All four professions you listed have a place in end-game Fractals and Raids.

Rangers that specialize as Druids provide healing and offensive support, whereas Soulbeasts are solid DPS.

Warriors provide offensive support in the form of Banners and Empower Allies, while still being able to dish out good damage.

Mesmers can go either Power or Condition DPS, or become a top-tier support profession in the form of the Chronomancer.

Necromancers, especially Scourges, see lots of play in fights where there are lots of adds that can be cleared with Epidemic. Power Reapers are also fairly decent DPS, and Seraph Scourges also work decently well as healers while still being able to leverage on Epidemic to help manage adds.

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All of them are very goid for pve. If you want to pick something that suits you then you must first ask yourself what are you good at/you enjoy. If you are mostly mechanical type of player (you are good at folowing rotation while distracted) and you enjoy damage then dps proffesion is for. If you are knowlage based player (you use skills based on the fight and react to situations) and you like teamwork then support type class is for you. Generaly support clases are harder to get into since you start with 0 knowlage.

My personal suggestion for new raiders/fractal players is to start with berzerker (warrior elite). It has simple rotation, and provide massive dps buffs. The reason why i suggest it is that if you fail as chrono/druid whole party suffer. Warrior is almost dps class but noone expect you to be top dps because you are taken for banners and since every party wants banner warrior it will be easier to find a spot.Alternatively you can go for core power warrior that is easiest class to gear, provide all buffs as condi berzerker and brings much more cc.

Necro right now is amazing but it is great on some bosses and less then optimal on others. Also it is not part of fractal meta so it might be harder for you to find fractal meta groups.

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He people above give solid advice, but it might not be fitting. There are many forms of pve. The above advice are for two formats (high end fractals and raids). This is considered the hardest content in the game and not for everyone’s liking. Before diving into it, you should learn and enjoy the game. Gw2 doesn’t force you into a direction by locking you out, but everything you play now and can play in the future stays an option despite the level or experience you have.

Also, once done with the first character, it is relative easy to build another toon. You can quit the game anytime without consequences (besides missing out this awesome game) and come back. This also means that it is easy to make a second character. You don’t need the story anymore and you get a lot of stuff to skip levels when you play.

So bottom line. Do not pressure yourself with consequences at the most difficult game modes in pve and play and have fun. No class is superior or inferior and you are always welcome in groups

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