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Did you change anything on gathering ore and wood?

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Hey everyone,

did anyone else noticed the following since the last patch? Before the patch gathering ore or wood was like this:At the third strike, after you already got the material into your inventory, you were able to run away before the character has stored the tool.

But now it seems to be like this:After the third strike, you can't move at all, until the character has stored the gathering tool away. This feels like half a second, where I'm literally frozen! I feel really slower when farming my home instance.

The only workaround I found so far is: Gather with one strike, move slightly, then gather the other two strikes. It seems to be only the problem when making three gathering strikes at once.

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That bug has been in the game for as long as I remember, it happens sometimes, most of the times not, fortunately.

But, I have found something else that changed after the patch - Rich Ore nodes (and guild hall Ore and Wood nodes) now only give you 8 mining hits randomly instead of 10 which they always did before the patch. And nodes like the King-Sized Candy Corn node in the home instance, which used to give you 6 hits, now only gives 5 (so far, I've only mined it twice since the patch, both times only resulting in 5 hits). Was this change intended?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has there been any further information on this? is the 5 hits on the King-Sized Candy Corn a real change or an oops?I am using Mine-r-Tron with the glyph of the leatherworker and I have only had 5 hits every day since the patch. Tomorrow I will change out the glyph and the day after I will test a different tool.

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@darksome.1697 said:That bug has been in the game for as long as I remember, it happens sometimes, most of the times not, fortunately.

But, I have found something else that changed after the patch - Rich Ore nodes (and guild hall Ore and Wood nodes) now only give you 8 mining hits randomly instead of 10 which they always did before the patch. And nodes like the King-Sized Candy Corn node in the home instance, which used to give you 6 hits, now only gives 5 (so far, I've only mined it twice since the patch, both times only resulting in 5 hits). Was this change intended?

You are probably confused by the change where one interact will mine up to 4 strikes worth of things instead of 3 if you've been using one of the older unlimited mining picks.

They started doing that around the cosmic tools and also updated the basic tools but didn't updated the other unlimited picks until recently.

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I think I have the same problem. When I'm farming my guildmate's home instance as usual, I use the Prototype Position Rewinder the optimize my moves but now I can't because using a harvesting tool unequip the Rewinder after the last tic. :( I experience that since 2 days now.

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@"keenedge.9675" said:On my tools, I think I've noticed that the last swing which used to be a double animation now just does one swing but gives double exp/drops.

All the unlimited tools were adjusted to deliver the same "four strikes" effect on nodes that used to happen only with some of them. Sadly, this does not (yet) apply to the harvesting tools, where the Unbound Magic tool delivers "three strikes", but the others only deliver one. Not that it matters outside guild hall nodes, really, since everywhere else the harvesting nodes only have one strike worth of stuff in them.

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