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[WvW] I can't beat a holosmith


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@Waisenpai.6028 said:Crit damage and power to low as a marauder. Keep Maruader armor for zerg fights or no 1v1s. You need zerker weapons and armor. 3/5 cav accesories 2/5 zerker, with zerker back piece. Use Durability runes and use energy sigils on both weapons/ use intelligence for axe/shield and hydromancy with gs. Core warrior is great but they nerfed war utilitiy damage bonus from 30% to 10%. gg T.T

both energy on weapon is a total waste, it has a 9sec internal cd while you swap your weapon every 5sec anyways, so when you have it on one it will be activated again when you swap back to your weapon with it on...durability is not a must have aswell

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DO you duel often? Does your warrior fight !v2, 1v3 or 1v5 or 1v 20. So if I have GS only on my energy I have to swap to axe and than wait and swap back to GS that's unnecessary and I'm going to be vulnerable to massive spikes. Warriors die standing still. Dodges are great and a must in this game. Especially when you fight Mirages, let alone a mere Holo.

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@Waisenpai.6028 said:DO you duel often? Does your warrior fight !v2, 1v3 or 1v5 or 1v 20. So if I have GS only on my energy I have to swap to axe and than wait and swap back to GS that's unnecessary and I'm going to be vulnerable to massive spikes. Warriors die standing still. Dodges are great and a must in this game. Especially when you fight Mirages, let alone a mere Holo.

lol yea i duel alot...you dont have to tell me how important dodges are, but if you dont spam your dodes like a monkey, then you wont need 2 energy sigils on your weapons, especially not on warri with low cd swapi have around 3-4k hours on warri, most spent in wvw roaming and zerging

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You have shield #4, FC, may be physical's skills and dagger #3 :Holographic Shockwave ( #5 holo) is the skill to interrupt, ... if the holo didn't start with #3 (which is 80% of the time due to "need quick burst, not stab" )You interrup this skill and they lose their mind, they run arround like frightened chicken waiting to place their burst again after CD. #5holo is a strong CC with short CD that leads to a strong burst. Otherwise they have #4 riffle and shield, may be the tool kit or battering ram; but they won't really burst you after, so don't spoil your breakstun for that if you're full life.

Elixir S is 3sec, so be really attentive to the CD, don't waste skills, and interrupt him just right after, before he use rocket boots or something.With Iron Blooded and Heat Therapy they have really strong sustain,. You can't kill them in the usury.Start with a CC, no rush, to proc their spectrum shield, wait, make a burst once, to proc their passive Elixir s; tank with shield and FC if you had not put pressure, interrupt their #3 or #5 holo, burst them a seconde time ( shield #4 > eviscerate>cyclon axe>f1 GS). VoilàIn general, of you don't have CC with war, even if you have mobility and some short range close gap, you'll kill nothing but scourge without swiftness, or melee but eager people.

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Very good advice, holos have limited access to stab. If dodge corona burst they are open to CC. However, with recent update this has changed slightly. Elixir u is a stun break that grants quickness and now stab. This means holo is much less susceptible to CC and will more likely have quickness. I expect will see a lot more use of elixir u and hgh being run over iron blooded for longer duration and shorter cool down. My advice is cripple and keep them at range, they can’t stay in holo form forever. Watch out for rifle 2 immobilize and they are very weak to range.

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In WvW, warrior is kinda hard in 1v1s cause you could literally walk in a straight line and dodge pretty much everything Warrior has and out-wait most stances. You could go rifle, but guess what happens if you do? You die to tank builds. Axe/Shield + GS actually has this problem, along with many other Warrior builds. That's why I didn't bother with WvW cause it wasn't more balanced than sPvP back when sPvP had e-sports potential.

SPvP was where warrior could duel for a point tbh, they weren't the best at it and they still probably aren't even in today's current state. But you could try and fight holosmiths there and if they get decapped in a real game, you're doing fine. WvW, so many classes can just run in a straight line and dodge every Warrior attack, the sad part is, most people can just go and attack you instead and god forbid that they do that running in a straight line to dodge everything while your stances are going off.

TL;DR You're simply screwed in WvW because no capture point to keep people in place. And once you're in combat on Warrior, it's hard to disengage compared to a Mesmer or a Thief for example, or any class that can stealth for that matter.

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Another tip is to watch their invulnerability duration (Elixir S shrink animation) which allows you to precast your Axe 3 by half a second to hit them the moment they come out. Takes some practice but you'd be surprised how many engineers don't expect this as they are too used to just "Healing Turret Rocket Boots kite" warriors.

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@RedShark.9548 said:

@Waisenpai.6028 said:DO you duel often? Does your warrior fight !v2, 1v3 or 1v5 or 1v 20. So if I have GS only on my energy I have to swap to axe and than wait and swap back to GS that's unnecessary and I'm going to be vulnerable to massive spikes. Warriors die standing still. Dodges are great and a must in this game. Especially when you fight Mirages, let alone a mere Holo.

lol yea i duel alot...you dont have to tell me how important dodges are, but if you dont spam your dodes like a monkey, then you wont need 2 energy sigils on your weapons, especially not on warri with low cd swapi have around 3-4k hours on warri, most spent in wvw roaming and zerging

Yeah I have only 2k hours on Warrior and Ele and 6k hours on my d/d ele. Depends how you. Spamming weapons swaps to be a monkey is not how I want to usally play. But I guess 3k warriors play that way? So if I have no energy and I am on Axe and shield (weapon set with energy) I will have to swap to GS wait 5 seconds and swap back to Axe and shield to regain energy? Um ok so I waste my stances during that time? You seriously play wariror and 1v4 often>? You need energy lol.

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@Waisenpai.6028 said:

@Waisenpai.6028 said:DO you duel often? Does your warrior fight !v2, 1v3 or 1v5 or 1v 20. So if I have GS only on my energy I have to swap to axe and than wait and swap back to GS that's unnecessary and I'm going to be vulnerable to massive spikes. Warriors die standing still. Dodges are great and a must in this game. Especially when you fight Mirages, let alone a mere Holo.

lol yea i duel alot...you dont have to tell me how important dodges are, but if you dont spam your dodes like a monkey, then you wont need 2 energy sigils on your weapons, especially not on warri with low cd swapi have around 3-4k hours on warri, most spent in wvw roaming and zerging

Yeah I have only 2k hours on Warrior and Ele and 6k hours on my d/d ele. Depends how you. Spamming weapons swaps to be a monkey is not how I want to usally play. But I guess 3k warriors play that way? So if I have no energy and I am on Axe and shield (weapon set with energy) I will have to swap to GS wait 5 seconds and swap back to Axe and shield to regain energy? Um ok so I waste my stances during that time? You seriously play wariror and 1v4 often>? You need energy lol.

almost no warrior will sit 10seconds on his weaponset, you combo your skills, swap weapon, combo, swap, almost nobody is spamming autohits on warrior, you can swap that often because even if you need shield block for example it will be availave in 5 seconds after you swapped away from it so there is rarely a time that you are screwed when swapping the weapon, like a tthief who accidently swapped to shortbow and then has to sit on it for 10seconds

since energy has 9s internal cd its simply a wasted slot to put 2 of them and there are ones that will help alot more

and no i dont often 1v4 because im looking to fight other roamers, not random zerg player on zergbuildsand 4 ppl on roaming builds will destroy any warrior. period

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I think the fight itself, holo vs spellbreaker/core war is pretty fair.I play both professions, and sometimes I serioualy outplayed good holos dodging perfectly all their main skills. They were in elixir s mode at 20% health after 5 seconds of battle while I was still 100% without using a single utility skill.Other times the holo dodged perfectly all my skills and landed perfect his ones and I was outplayed with zero utilities and passive left.When I play holo, apart from rangers and condi builds, the thing I struggle the most are good warriors, even core.Some guys literally read your skills in advance, I dunno how they do that. For example you are about to corona burst and you see the guy already jumpdodging your skill, or you are about to use photon forge 4, and they reflect instant with shield every projectile into you without you see them cast the shield.Other times if you bait your skills like autocancelling prime light beam they are willing to waste more then one dodge and you will win just by that.The trick to win as spellbreaker is learn to proc full counter always, you wait and when the holonfor example use holo leap on you, you activate fc while he is middle cast amd he cant interrupt his skill anymore for a 100% guaranteed proc.

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@"Traveller.7496" said:It doesn't really help me. I'm just running into a holosmith and I can't block or dodge all their attacks, which just seem to all do a ton of damage. They can disengage and heal in a heartbeat, then return and do their big damage attacks again (with stability to boot). Not to mention the elite is unblockable.

Am agree your feeling those YOLOsmith look like walking nuke with dps hit like truck.BUT...all Engi type have problem about cooldown skill when they go all out it mean all out nothing left to do dmg to youand they about to retreat to reset CD or fight and comeback when they already.

Yolosmith too if they transform to photon-F they must throw everything to combo you dead or they gain overheath to burn/Dmg themselfthat time they must get to force shutdown Photon-F(or get self-explotion it realhurt).If you can Break or combo breaker them you cut them half attack combo and they will struck and think about "do or run or die trying".

Turn on/off Photon forge mode is 10sec

Careful when fight YOLOsmith.I can not have right answer but i can tell Engi-behavior.

-look they use rifle or handgun.If rifle most is Power build if pistol posible to Condi build.

-Engi type have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and F1,2,3,4 to attack you if they use all it nothing to do with you they will reset-fight.

-Engi-type have 1slot weapon to use can't swap 2weapon but they have toolbelt(F1~4)/Engi-gear in utt slot(1Engi gear swap skill1-5 main weapon)Engi-gear not have 10s CD on swap in/out SO they can roll weapon1 2 3 4 5>Engi-gear1 2 3 4 5>weapon 1 2 3 4 5 loop.If they Holo install Photon-forge 1 2 3 4 5 in loop.

-When he turn on/off Photon-F look a color.blue 0heat > 50%+ yellow >if heatover85%+ you will see Photon glich/broken>heat100% it self explotion and take dmng/burningOR +100%~150%heat Red(must have traits).those color will see they will go on or off and those color make them powerful when stay long enough to gain bonus from them.and of couse you will understand when they turnoff for cooling heat maintain they will start to reset fight.Of couse you can runaways when see photon-F turn on from mileaway and turnback when they turn off.

-They have combo-set if break their combo they can't kill you. they will throw something for Delay you for try combo again.

-They have heat-therapy if they turnoff photon-F more heat gain more heal TIC back(check color).

-Most of build they use Holo+Alchemy+??? for auto Elixer S(same as endure pain)gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQBRWfFKVGmoAgefQA2Elixer S = 8sec for run. or 6s if no traits.Elixer S active you will see Engi will pop miniand they gain no dmg this mode Engi can run pass any dmgBUT all skill slot is no active too(can't click heal)just AWSD only.

-If they pop Elixer S = Oh S@it button it time to run.

-All boon make them look tough if see YOLO come with a barboon(a lot of boon) may be they use rune of Durability.if get rid of them they realy soft like wetnoodle.

-Holosmith is human too they can mistake and awkwarif you hit them read them understand them.

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