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All rifle skills reveal before they hit from stealth?

Crab Fear.1624

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I see in the tips that DJ reveals you, but why do the other shots reveal a player?

Many times DJ seems impractical to me if I can lock a foe into an ally's aoe (because I know they will dodge the big tell), so i fire spotters shot to immobilize them (from stealth), and before it hits, it reveals me and they can dodge it.

It seems like all shots from stealth while wielding a rifle reveal you?

If intended, maybe update the tips?

If not, please fix soon.

Players are getting the same warning for any shot from stealth, even though it's not a revealing attack...it should hit first...

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When you use a rifle skill in stealth the auto attack want to start directly after the shoot is launch and because you are still in stealth it will trigger the stealth attack and reveal yourself. Removing the auto will fix the problem but I would recomand your to test the two setup because you will see that the auto-reveal can be very usefull sometime, especially for the timing between two stealth

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@Jumpel.3972 said:When you use a rifle skill in stealth the auto attack want to start directly after the shoot is launch and because you are still in stealth it will trigger the stealth attack and reveal yourself. Removing the auto will fix the problem but I would recomand your to test the two setup because you will see that the auto-reveal can be very usefull sometime, especially for the timing between two stealth

Ah...ok thanks.

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