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InstanceCreate failed Error=1042


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I am also getting the game client has lost connection to the server with an error code 7:0:01026:101 error after waiting 5 minutes the Sparking the Flame prologue.This is so so poor. I'd thought lessons would be learned from the last big release with similar issues. It's not like they wouldn't know how many people might show up, they have the sales figures for the upgrade!I hope there is some form of compensation like a free weapon skin or something to make up for people not being able to play some thing they have paid for!Get this sorted fast!

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XD I don't have a clue, either. lol

I HOPE this gets sorted, I'm dying to play PoF, as a friend of mine, is from the NA part of the server, and he's quite far into the expansion, so by looks of it, it's us EU players getting all this "InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624" BS and "There is a problem with your network". If there was, I wouldn't be here, posting. >_>

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Got the same issue :( I let myself be tempted into PoF after the HoT huge deception... now I'm even MORE disappointed. No fix yet... ?Error 1036 even after downloading the whole of the update and after a loading 5min long. When trying again, the game just loose connexion.EU server, Vizunah place.

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Do you know this is the best 25 quid I have ever spent in my life! I play GW every single day for the past 10 or so years, forged every battle going for all achievements but the best money I ever spent was for this expansion! Locked out of my game ....no way the game is even ready and really fed up! Thank you anet for pushing a game that is not ready! BRAVO well done and thank you!

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@symke.3105 said:Same problem. Infinite login and DC for desert.

Can we get some clarification on this?Should we continue with our login attempts and hope we might get in or is there no chance of us getting in at this point?

Mm, the way this is going, I highly doubt we will. I've tried 3 times, twice I got "InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624", and 3rd shot, stupid error, over my network connection, and it's like almost 6PM and it's still broken.

@Fantastic Mumsie.5780I feel your pain, I really do. I don't have much money as it is, but spending it on a broken game, has REALLY got on my nerves, I was so exicted and really hyped, but I'm so disapointed in the fact, we EU players are suddenly locked out of PoF, yet from how far my friend is doing, NA players seem to be just fine, yet why is it just us EU players, getting this? It's not fair. :(

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@Silver Dragon.5017 said:

@symke.3105 said:Same problem. Infinite login and DC for desert.

Can we get some clarification on this?Should we continue with our login attempts and hope we might get in or is there no chance of us getting in at this point?

Mm, the way this is going, I highly doubt we will. I've tried 3 times, twice I got "InstanceCreate failed. Error=1036; Product=9; Module=18; Line=624", and 3rd shot, stupid error, over my network connection, and it's like almost 6PM and it's still broken.

@Fantastic Mumsie.5780I feel your pain, I really do. I don't have much money as it is, but spending it on a broken game, has REALLY got on my nerves, I was so exicted and really hyped, but I'm so disapointed in the fact, we EU players are suddenly locked out of PoF, yet from how far my friend is doing, NA players seem to be just fine, yet why is it just us EU players, getting this? It's not fair. :(

Bassicly the money I spent on PoF is 2 and half daily salary here, so I can say I feel yall as well

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We are getting it because the sodding game isn't finished properly! There is no loyalty coming from Anet just none at all. I lead a Guild and have done for GW1 and 2 and the GL's are left to take all the complaints when it really is nothing to do with us! I have tried now at least 100 times to enter the game I paid for and refuse to try again simply because it is heartbreaking and boring and well IF you do not test your work this is what happens! I have never moaned before but really this takes the biscuit! I even cleared my work for the game that doesn't work :( Hairdressers do not get away with shoddy work! Note to anet do not let shoddy work go out!

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