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The best way to appreciate pvp...


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Like most people said, GW2's pvp is secondary, so no need to take it serioulsy as dev. don't want to make to put serious effort to develop it.

As I said long time ago, they were so disappointed that esport failed that they nearly completly give up pvp like a sulky and defeatist child, instead trying to have a positive mind and modify it and make it fun as a long term game content.

So let's take it for as it is, and if you still like fighting players and not AI, just take the pvp for what it is and find fun :)

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@Specialka.7290 said:

@Delweyn.1309 said:... it's not to play ranked with a competitive state of mind.

It's useless because there is nothing more illogical than rewarding a single player (rank) with the gameplay of 4 random guys that system puts with you each different time.You can play well but lose because the system gives you the worst players.You can play bad but win because the system gives you the best players.Conquest mode has been made by developpers for a competitive goal of 5 premades coordinated pleople.

It's why so many people, who still think and fight like if rank has some meanings, become so angry and toxic because of the system.

Just play your none meta build. Just play with your own goals (killing without being killed, seeking 1v1...), not the goals of conquest mode. Collect your rewards. Have fun of people who criticize your way of playing and build, ennemies or allies.

And pvp now will be fun :)

And hope (or no) that dev. will think about it too and will bring a non conquest pvp mode for more than 5 random pugs who just tag pvp for fun, not a competitive state of mind.

Sorry but you are wrong on some points. The only thing that is in every game is you. That means you can play 5 games and get 1 afk in each, but the next five, that afk can be in the opposing team. In the end, after 100 games+, it does not matter if you got some afkers or feeders or whatever because they have more chance to be in the opposing team than in your team.

And you tell us that a pvp with so many afk / deco / giveup boys / toxics / wintrading, RNG of teams is serious for a ranked system ? haha.

I did not say that is was serious or whatever. Learn to read.

I said, that overall, it does not matter because afkers/feeders etc... have more chance to be in the opposing team, except if you are yourself one. And that after 100 games and more, you won't see any difference and anyway, that system is design to bring you around 50% win rate.

We're back on the same argument as usual : since it takes 100-200 games to have a true rating, what's the point of having seasons ? You gotta spam games, accept unlucky loses since they will be compensated by lucky wins, and you will be on your normal rank.

That's actually the reason why most top250 players do not play ranked and do minimal rank requirements.

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PvP is not at an acceptable state atm.Small scale combat is riddled with problems that accumulated over the course of the game's lifeand now have resulted in a severely downgraded PvP experience.There's no way to appreciate this.Play WvW which is in a much better state atm,mainly because of two factors.Firstly,in WvW we are allowedto use defensive oriented gear and this somewhat counters the over the top(of mount Everest) damageand all the obviously over performing specs.Secondly,the nature of the mode is more RPG oriented andas such players expect a experience less dependant on "fair fights" and "relative class balance and quality combat".

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People will tryhard no matter what, forget Unranked, just look how many people roam on condi Mirage in WvW and you don't even "win" or "lose" there, it's just a sandbox.

People just like stomping others and "winning" while being carried by their class even when they get nothing out of it.

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Anet has developed systems that encourage toxicity and "tryhards" and, ultimately, frustration.

I wish they'd take some time to shift gears and start developing for fun.

It begins at the whiteboard, in conference rooms and huddles. You need to start with clear goals and KPIs ... and I can guarantee you that "positive, enjoyable experience" is not a success metric for the current PvP team. If it were, we'd see drastically different design decisions. If I had to guess, there current guiding KPI for PvP something akin to "increase player population in ranked" followed by "convert PvP player to PvE and cash shop spender"...

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@mortrialus.3062 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

The best way to appreciate pvp...

Play an actual pvp game.

Fortnite Players, PUBG players, Counter Strike Go players, League of Legend players, Magic the Gathering players, Dragonball Fighter Z players, Hearthstone players, competitive Pokemon players, all complain about how broken and awful their game is endlessly and just as hard as we do about GW2.

Maybe take some time to go check out their forums and see how much greener everyone thinks all the other grass is. It's kind of funny.

One community's problem =/= other community's problem

Try to evaluate if those issues you mention are of l2p nature, what do they regard to and if they are as heavy as ours or other games. Because everyone always complains, everywhere, there is not exception to this rule. It is wise to know, however, if such complaints are justified, what is their basis, and remember that some of them are of grave importance/leave a game or an aspect of a game in a derelict state that only casuals MIGHT enjoy.

I've played some of these titles and so far only a few issues that I can count on one hand might have been truly important/game breaking. Still, most of them do not even grow close to how crappy this game's state is in PvP aspect. Never have I been so dis sapointed with a game's pvp as in here.

If what I said is invalid, then please recall which games are in ESL and which games are favoured for their PvP quality despite those minor inconveniences, and ponder for a while "why is that so?", I encourage to do so.

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