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after the patch : is even possible to roam? (wvw)


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Thiefs, spellbreakers, mirages, weavers... all got better buffs in damage and utility which i find very difficult to play against, as one backstab + heartseeker from stealth already reaches the ~21k against 2800 armor with much better mobility than us (so no running away either), and ~~meteors ~~(each meteor usually hit me by +11k) fireballs from weaver hit me for 5k as another example. In Power build i'm useless against holos, shield spellbreaker or mirages because of the high invulnerability + reflections uptime plus not sacrificing their damage to achieve that.

I'm genuinely open to suggestions to test ranger until ezbuilds comes up with the new necro meta build, Any advise what build to use now?

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i run condi soulbeast (bird/x) with full trailblazer - at least 3 traps all the time slotted and trapper runesthis has been my most effective roamer as im very tanky and mobile

out of all other roaming classes, the one that gives me most problems is holosmith due to its high amount of cc. at most i run 2 stunbreakers. they are very dangerous in small scale fights.

absolutely no problems with thieves, reapers, DH or revsmirages are more mobile than you and have a crazy bursts, but not unbeatablespellbreakers and weavers usually take very long but you can always use smokefield+dual leap if you have dagger on mh for it or kite away withtraps as your mobility is much better

im now testing power build with full berserker, so far very strong but fragile, so i prefer to run this only when i'm not alone (no problem if you're on a busy server sniping people more unexpected)

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Yeah can try stealth traps, or what I've found is core Ranger with NM/WS as must haves.

Can 1v1 and escape most fights, but have to basically never screw up.

I personally can't get SB to perform how I want, as have to give up either NM or WS and both are killer for boons / surviving.

Oh, that is a note....boon rip/ corrupt is one thing that can make your day really difficult

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Roaming is just fine from my experience post-patch. I mostly run Axe Marauder Soulbeast and doing okay in 1v1, but holo and condi axe mirage(staff mirage is way easier), and good outnumbereds.Also i was testing some fun builds and had a crazy amount of success with marauder druid(staff / x), i can count on my hand the times i died in a whole weekend, winning outnumbereds and even axe mirages.Also i haven't found any core guardian in WvW yet, but in Spvp if they get the jump on me is respawn for sure.

TLDR: We are fine. Just gotta try some stuffs or be more careful and leave before someone else engage.

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@Lynnie.7213 said:Roaming is just fine from my experience post-patch. I mostly run Axe Marauder Soulbeast and doing okay in 1v1, but holo and condi axe mirage(staff mirage is way easier), and good outnumbereds.Also i was testing some fun builds and had a crazy amount of success with marauder druid(staff / x), i can count on my hand the times i died in a whole weekend, winning outnumbereds and even axe mirages.Also i haven't found any core guardian in WvW yet, but in Spvp if they get the jump on me is respawn for sure.

TLDR: We are fine. Just gotta try some stuffs or be more careful and leave before someone else engage.

Roaming as wvw. Spvp is another beast with other problems, have in mind in wvw most classes have applied pve buffs (ex: warrior get double invul duration than in spvp).

Personally I don’t think we are fine(at least in EU against good roaming servers) although the soulbeast full zerker build is becoming a meme already.

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@anduriell.6280 said:

@Lynnie.7213 said:Roaming is just fine from my experience post-patch. I mostly run Axe Marauder Soulbeast and doing okay in 1v1, but holo and condi axe mirage(staff mirage is way easier), and good outnumbereds.Also i was testing some fun builds and had a crazy amount of success with marauder druid(staff / x), i can count on my hand the times i died in a whole weekend, winning outnumbereds and even axe mirages.Also i haven't found any core guardian in WvW yet, but in Spvp if they get the jump on me is respawn for sure.

TLDR: We are fine. Just gotta try some stuffs or be more careful and leave before someone else engage.

Roaming as wvw. Spvp is another beast with other problems, have in mind in wvw most classes have applied pve buffs (ex: warrior get double invul duration than in spvp).

Personally I don’t think we are fine(at least in EU against good roaming servers) although the soulbeast full zerker build is becoming a meme already.

Yeah, all that i said above i meant for WvW solo roaming, only part about Spvp was core guard. i think we are fine,.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Roaming? Certainly possible as the dude above me demonstrated. Fight in a zerg? It's been 6-7 years of being a meme and I don't think it's ever going to change or that Anet cares. It's personally sad to me because mass pvp is what I enjoy.

The sad part is that even as far as roaming goes, there's no reason to play Ranger. You can get it done, but you're still losing out by playing Ranger.

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