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Someone Hacking the sPVP please ban asap


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i play from 2012 but i'm sorta new to pvp becouse is full of cheater fro the begins, but this season i go for it and i reached gold and i have see pp doing any weird shit, like teleport, no boon rips, no damage, oneshot ecc, i'm alwais reporting, but never happens also there is al loot of toxic players that rage and insult for no reason (and most time they are solo 3vs1) so this is the pvp, i read a loot of post like this one and anet don't do nothing neither in www. Haking players in rank games are the best shit ever, and if you are still complaing about lack of players -.- this is why, better take some blizzard rules and mods on how to act with hackers. Another thing you now allow 3th parth programs, like dps meter, so today me and my team was insulted for 0 dps by other team member becouse his program tells that.... is that the fairplay you want?

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@Crystal Paladin.3871 said:Is he flying???? Lol... Did he get fall damage after he drops from the sky??? LOL I noticed that player in our team from time to time, but never noticed such bizzaire hacks.... Maybe he got fed up with the balance patch and decided to take the matters into his own hands.... Is he a thief???

On WvW with DH f1 u can pull some to their own deah when they are flying, i once did that to a thief that started flying to avoid all the aoe on the ground.

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@LordMorgul.9845 said:Another thing you now allow 3th parth programs, like dps meter, so today me and my team was insulted for 0 dps by other team member becouse his program tells that.... is that the fairplay you want?

If someone talks shit to you about something you just proved is false; how does that bother you? Blizzard is a complete and utter joke when it comes to messing with people who cheat; you would know that if you ever played their garbage games. WoW has way way more hackers than this game ever has (which I suppose is partially attributable to the larger population), but even without hacking Blizzard sticks handicaps in their games for bad players to perform better anyhow (gear scaling, cough cough).

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It was a hack, and this player has been sanctioned. Anet posted on Reddit that they've taken the action, but they said they don't like to publicly post/shame people. That's their stance, they were just forced to say something because of the outcry and clear evidence this time, I think.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:It was a hack, and this player has been sanctioned. Anet posted on Reddit that they've taken the action, but they said they don't like to publicly post/shame people. That's their stance, they were just forced to say something because of the outcry and clear evidence this time, I think.

Would you mind link that reddit discussion please? Appreciate it, thank you.

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@Elvarazsollak.5193 said:

@"Mbelch.9028" said:It was a hack, and this player has been sanctioned. Anet posted on Reddit that they've taken the action, but they said they don't like to publicly post/shame people. That's their stance, they were just forced to say something because of the outcry and clear evidence this time, I think.

Would you mind link that reddit discussion please? Appreciate it, thank you.


No problem. This isn't where they talked about public shaming, just where they mentioned action was taken.

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