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Request for race change


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Fiddling with committed data that have a lot of data dependencies in the database is dangerous, even if you know the schema inside out, you never know how the software will response to partial deletion of data.

thus it's easier and magnitude less risky from data administration's perspective to delete the entire tree (character) or start fresh.

makeover kit is different, they are just replacing the pre-fixed (mandatory) fields' values with new ones.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

@cesmode.4257 said:I know many folks over many years have requested race changes...but man I do wish I could race change my human warrior to Char. I know because of personal story reasons and maybe other reasons arenanet is either reluctant or unable.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say the game's noodle code probably doesn't allow a change even if ANet wanted to implement the feature.

and lose all of my maxed up weaponsmith with tons of exotic and ascended recipes, plus the birthday celebrations.

Recipes are account wide now - so if you make a new character and level up their crafting profession you don't have to hunt down those recipes again.

So...already learned recipes that my weaponsmith has...I wont have to go out and find them again? Once I hit the appropriate crafting profession level on my new weaponsmith, those exotic and ascended recipes will be available?

If you learned them from a recipe sheet, they are available on all characters on your account once they level up the relevant craft.

If you learned them automatically by levelling up, you learn them by levelling up on the new character.

If you learned them in the Discovery tab, you have to learn them again on each character.

EDIT: in fact, if you start a new character, you'll see all those recipe-sheet recipes for that craft listed in red (for "not high enough level to craft") even when you're at craft level 1.

Amazing, thanks. very helpful and puts my mind at ease when I decide to reroll my warrior.

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@GenghisKhan.7842 said:

@"Linken.6345" said:Arent characters slots on sale soonish?

Yes, I think tomorrow or the day afterThere is a sticky topic somewhere that shows current and upcoming sales


  • August 24—30% Off Black Lion Chest Keys
  • August 25—35% Off Character Slot Expansions
  • August 26—40% Off Bag Slot Expansions
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