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Ranked PvP is pointless - Rewards are so bad


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I think that all spvp Q should give more incentives into Guild Hall progressions and bring more into WvW for something... that way, people would be more interested to make some spvp rides.

They need to make a rank q vendors with ticket to pay for new skins or something. The skin model of 2012 with the spvp mystic forged was a great idea.

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Titles are gone. Team queues have been gone a long time. At this point they should get rid of leaderboards, combine Ranked and Unranked (let that be for farming pips and chests and fun -- increase the population); and then support team ATs as the real "learderboard" competition with sweet loot.

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i dont understand the whole SPVP potion thing im going to start calling this click wars why not just give us loot why must i open a box to give me a clickable liquid that gives me another box that i must open that then gives me a couple other boxes to open..... its just redic

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Rewards in pvp from the start have been mediocre to terrible over the years and a lot of it not depending on winning or losing but just spamming games. The people running this game don't really have a clue about anything much many of the people involved with this project it was there first big job in a MMORPG and they decided they knew everything and didnt need to look how anyone else did anything well in the past. Notice how they used almost nothing from GW1 pvp which was beloved by many. Pssh we'll come up with something much better! Not.

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@"pah.4931" said:Titles are gone. Team queues have been gone a long time. At this point they should get rid of leaderboards, combine Ranked and Unranked (let that be for farming pips and chests and fun -- increase the population); and then support team ATs as the real "learderboard" competition with sweet loot.

Cool idea, but i think it would end with soloq competitiveness.There is a soloq competitivity too, despites being a little one. People care about their individual placement and individual achieves.

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@"mrauls.6519" said:Did you guys really think giving reward track potions would cut it? So lazy. Please give us mounts or something. This is ridiculous

I made over 300 gold coins in Season 12 just as direct rewards from chests (doesn't count the gold I earned selling mats from them), and did all those money quequeing PvP while gathering in PvE maps. EZ GAINZ.

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