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Solo queues, Duo Queues, 5 man Queues


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Usually I'm super busy and dont have time to play as often as i like and so for the last few seasons i've been stuck coming in mid season an having to deal with the card dealt to me, I would crawl my way up through the remainder of the season thru the scum and muck and end up close if not where i should be. I was okay with that (not completely) i could accept that it was hard to do and my teams wouldnt be ideal bc i came late in the season. I finally have gotten a chance to join at the start of a season and it has been absoulutley one of the worst experiences ive had in pvp. I play my class well, i play my role well, im constantly watching skilled pvpers play and looking out for new tips to keep getting better... yet i have gone back from where i was last season and am lower than i ever been. i currently stand at 12 games won over 28 games. This is just appalling to me, ive held the appropriate win badges for my role and even swapped classes to benefit the team (and did well on that class to) but to my detriment. teams that chase ppl off point teams that insta down over and over again even if u rally or res them teams that cant rotate or over rotate...just today alone was abominable and i like everyone have to get bad rng but ffs today was just my bad day or something?!

I have two major gripes against the pvp ranking system.

  1. we are ranked on a w/l ratio so regardless of how good you play or how hard you carry if your team loses your ranking dips.
  2. we're forced to play in a 5 man only setting while being forced to PUG the rest of the tam being limited to only one extra person queuing with you.

personally i find these less than ideal for a good pvp experience, excuse me for a good ranked experience. its no wonder there is so much toxicity in pvp bc if you lose bc one person lacks understanding about how conquest works or when to rotate or when to back out of a fight or when to let someone go in favor of capping the point over the kill it often costs you the match. All this bc there is no way to ensure that u have players on your team that are competent. that's almost impossible in a setting where people cant form teams in a TEAM BASED system.

i propose these changes for upcoming seasons.

  1. allow 5 man queues: premades are NOT detrimental to the pvp scene bad playes will not get carried like people claim they wll as in higher tiers they'd be a detriment to the people carrying them. on the other hand premades allows things like pvp guilds or teams to thrive, and promotes the desire for people to use the lfg system or form their own teams to play as well. puggers will still pug but a loss vs a premade is far less frustrating (in my case i just laugh it off bc i get what happened) than a loss bc your team literally doesn't know how to play.
  2. allow for 2 v 2 queues: there are some who dont really want to play 5 man teams and i get anet has a hard on for 5 man play and thats fine but they still should offer something for people who if they could would chose otherwise. 2v2 maps could have a single or even two nodes to cap or even rotate between conquest and deathmatch (preferably just the former tho) and ofc allowing players to que as duos but this also for puggers they can carry a bad player vs having to try to carry multiple.
  3. 1v1 queues: for complete solo players or even players just trying to see how they measure up in 1v1 or improve their 1v1 skills. these players can queue for 1v1 conquest or deathmatch (ppreferably the latter) this way if you want to rank its totally dependent on you and you alone what happens to your w/l record. at that point its juat a matter of what classes ae good at 1v1 and what classes need a bit more balance tuning (even then if you're good enough even a 1-0 k/d can win you the match in a bad match up) these ofc would have shorter time limits or a specific scoring system or even rounds best 3 of five for example to decide a winner.

in my opinion these would greatly improve the ranked pvp experience and give some much needed qol for players wanting something different. to boot i think it would help eliminate some toxicity from pvp as it really alleviates the problem of being forced to play with people you don't want to play with.a possible concern is queue times. however (correct me if im wrong) gw2 is currently the #2 mmo behind wow and there are mmos with MUCH smaller populations that have very short queue times for pvp with lots of variety such as dcuo which offers 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 8v8. i think that its not only possible for anet to pull this off but in my opinion at this point very needed to breathe life into the pvp scene.what are your thoughts? do you agree? if not what would you change in todays pvp to create a better experience bc frankly something has to class balance alone isnt cutting it

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For team queue...

I'm a fan of the idea of having both solo queue and team queue..Solo queue has leaderboards and limited to only solo queue while team queue is from 2-5 party members.Allow solo queue players to queue up under team queue too and give slightly higher rewards in team queue setting while also giving it a leaderboard separate to that of solo queue..

hopefully this will be our AT's set up or what ever they're working on.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:For team queue...

I'm a fan of the idea of having both solo queue and team queue..Solo queue has leaderboards and limited to only solo queue while team queue is from 2-5 party members.Allow solo queue players to queue up under team queue too and give slightly higher rewards in team queue setting while also giving it a leaderboard separate to that of solo queue..

hopefully this will be our AT's set up or what ever they're working on.

that's what the game used to be 5 years ago

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@sephiroth.4217 said:For team queue...

I'm a fan of the idea of having both solo queue and team queue..Solo queue has leaderboards and limited to only solo queue while team queue is from 2-5 party members.Allow solo queue players to queue up under team queue too and give slightly higher rewards in team queue setting while also giving it a leaderboard separate to that of solo queue..

hopefully this will be our AT's set up or what ever they're working on.

This, leaderboards became even more inaccurate with the re-introduction of duo q. ANet probably won't create seperate qs due to the limited amount of players, but with either strictly solo q or possible duo q, there's always at least one who'll get the short end of the stick. A compromise would be to not count the games played as duo for the minimum amount of games needed to be on the leaderboard.

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What you experience isn't something new. The time you get deep down the ranks, you are paired with players that look into your eyes like newcomers. I believe that a fair rule would be that the total ranked matches of each player become a strong factor in MM algorithm. So if you are an old player with plenty of experience and you happen to be placed in say "gold 2" then you should be paired with players your level of experience (similar number of ranked matches) and proceed faster to your appropriate skill level.

If they can't do that then bringing back 5man Q and making PvP a more serious competition might be a good solution.

As is now unless you duoQ with a friend is really "try hard" and "carry a lot" which makes no sense because it is tedious and VERY time consuming. This has nothing to do with the 3 weeks @Yannir.4132 reports, in my experience it will be like this whole season.

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@epoc.7941 said:

@Yannir.4132 said:Never start Season until the 3rd week, or play off-hours. Don't play prime time during the 1st two weeks. The matchmaking is more volatile.

lol thanks good to know honestly. i guess i made a dumb mistake

Cluelessness isn't stupidity. :wink: Only ignorance is.

@"Dreddo.9865" said:As is now unless you duoQ with a friend is really "try hard" and "carry a lot" which makes no sense because it is tedious and VERY time consuming. This has nothing to do with the 3 weeks @Yannir.4132 reports, in my experience it will be like this whole season.

Well, for me it works. If I do Qualifiers in the 1st 2 weeks, I usually end up with less than 50% winrate. If I start in the third week, I end up with about 70% winrate. I might just be pub-stomping noobs most of the time but there are some competitive games as well.

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