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@ArthurDent.9538 said:

@breno.5423 said:This guy must be crazy.Herald is the strongest build at the current meta.

Dude what the kitten are u basing this off of? Like legitimate question. At this point I'm starting to think facts do no matter


Who are these magic Revenants that are making Herald Strongest build?

Please if you guys are trolling me just stop. Serious thread.

I'm pretty serious.If you think 23k+ damage in 3 skills with 0.2 secs cast (with quickness) is balanced... Aside one of the best survival and mobility.

There is not an ounce of truth to this statement, you do realize that.

Back on topic I after playing around with herald again I will say that the last patch was definitely a nerf from my personal anecdotal experience. The f2 change has pretty much killed heralds protection uptime making it much squishier and the damage isn't really any better. Last season I hit top 25 platinum 3 and this season I can't even stay in plat 2. From less personal experience, other top NA revs like zollec and bryvanent are also doing much worse this season in the ratings. There are a lot more heralds in ranked currently though, probably because they saw what looked like buffs in the patch notes but they really didn't comprehend what many of the changes actually meant.

To be fair. I am playing on my smurf and not my main :^)

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@Blocki.4931 said:Again very happy that balance isn't done by the players

Then again, it can't get much worse than what is being done by devs... At least the players will probably have several hundreds more hours of experience with the characters than a Dev.A good player with the inside statistics that devs get would probably do a better job than most devs at setting the balance goals. Achieving them, is a different story.

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Going to add this to some of my favourite "How not to give feeback" threads, like this one:


And this Gem Post:

@JayAction.9056 said:

@"ScottBroChill.3254" said:Obtena, how can you say a forum discussion isn't a place to make discussion of discontent?

No, I'm saying that people should take a little more effort to present their discontent in a way that is discussable to begin with. For some reason, we get the opposite:

"Yo Anet, Rev sucks, FIX IT" ...

If you honestly care about how Anet regards this class and the collective feedback/opinion we have of it, threads like this should be getting SLAMMED into submission.

There is nothing else to be said. Renegade and short bow are bad enough that 5 minutes on the pvp dummy or playing it against a semi decent PVE target would give you an idea of how bad it is.

I think it's weird that if even need be brought to attention. It's been months.

How bad it is isn't relevant. I know that's a completely foreign concept to you but I can only point to the many places in this game where 'bad' stuff exists.

I don't think there is anybody NA that is doing better on rev than me. Hasn't been since like season 1. It obviously needs some buffs. Whatever else you are saying to justify it being bad is just smoke.
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