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  1. Better? Heres the semifinals vod https://youtu.be/P6BJRdl15eA?si=zdRooy16pjOTQq6I add deathsadvance char to friends and see the acc name of it
  2. Cmc has no clue how to balance thief. Legit buried every single meta spec of thief since he started balancing 😂
  3. 😂😂😂 just u wait theyll nerf sword2 to cost more ini
  4. Seeing you stream im surprised you ever got above g3 tbh
  5. No i want every given title removed as well
  6. Remove titles and make soloq only then add more generic reward like materials etc for top250 to make legendary gear or whatever would be the best
  7. Wintrade wont stop with duo gone, only removal of titles will. And yes to both imo
  8. Raiken farmed every bs so far as scep/dagg. And im going of boyce word bs/cata can go either way. And when i scrimmed w fly he was killing catas just couldnt be on node
  9. Huh i dont get what ur asking? BS loses to scep/dag cspec w thousand needle trap. Cspec can beat cata with scep/p but you cant be on node at all so theyll full cap u for quite long so its not worth it. BS vs cata is skill MU can go either way
  10. What? Condi specter loses to untamed and harb atm, and not worth fighting a catalyst, beats bladesworn for example and absolutely shits on any power thief build except deadeye
  11. Specter has 12 ini, you can cast 2 shadow shot and then u have used everything 🤣 Omegalul, no sword either.... 😂 yikes
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