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A plea for help

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Warscythes.9307 said:I might be able to help but I will be honest, I think is the best if you do the story and then get in the maps the way is intended.

So here is what I offer. I can play with you through the story to get in the map. You can just pretend I am a NPC and I will stay behind and mostly just to make sure you don't die. Essentially you still have to do the story yourself but instead you have a super NPC behind you at all times so it still feels like you are doing the story by yourself.

However if you really insist then sure I can let you port on me. Although as Urud said, I am fairly certain you still have to do a bit of story to get in some LS maps instead of just using the item.

TTF works as long as you own the episode and the required expansion.

Bitterfrost Frontier and Domain of Kourna can both be accessed without doing any of the story. For BFF you just walk through the portal. Kourna requires interacting with the rift which seems to be invisible if you are doing the story so that is a bit tricky.

Bitterfrost Portal is only open if an alt has done the story (unless that's changed since launch). Once one character has gotten access via story, all characters can use the portal.

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@Warscythes.9307 said:

@Julischka Bean.7491 said:Sad sigh.....I will try to do the kitten stories again..notice I used the words again.

I really, really would not ask, if I felt even a tiny bit confident of succeeding.

And, Warscythes, thank you for offering but I get the impression through your writing that you think I am just being lazy..and your help would probably reflect that....but thank you anyway, you did volunteer and for that I am thankful.

What? No that was not my intention at all. I just think is more enjoyable for people to get in the maps naturally through story as it would make more sense that way. That is why I try to avoid doing too much so you can still experience the story without feeling somebody dragged you through it.

Of course I know that is not everybody's thing so I am ok with you just using the teleport. Though I would prefer you not to, that is all. There is no hidden meaning.

Happy grin. Thank you. I always intended to back and try the story again. My bad experiences in it though have given me an uneasy, sickening feeling.

I only asked for a transport because having it already unlocked would take a lot of pressure off me...and if I did fail and fail again, I would have the new zones to explore.

I am starting the POF story again.

And I am already slamming my head against the computer desk. I have to spy on two smaller camps. I got to one camp and killed lots of Forge but did not feel like I was doing the story.

I then watched a video and found I need to be on top of a building taking down cannons...not sure I know where that building is but I will find it if I have to scramble up to the tops of all buildings within the green circle.

See, I am a clutz and stupid as well :)


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@Taelac.7036 said:I'm in-game most evenings and weekends on NA servers. I'm busy with guild night on Wednesdays, but I'm happy to help you get through some story bits on other days. Send me mail in game, and we can see if our schedules match anywhere. No sense in you spending your TTFs if you don't have to, nor any in you having to miss out on the stories just because you can't solo them.


I am doing POF at the moment and already having difficulties..not with a battle, but with knowing where to go to destroy cannons...Thank you for offering to help and not thinking badly of me.Lisa.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@Warscythes.9307 said:I might be able to help but I will be honest, I think is the best if you do the story and then get in the maps the way is intended.

So here is what I offer. I can play with you through the story to get in the map. You can just pretend I am a NPC and I will stay behind and mostly just to make sure you don't die. Essentially you still have to do the story yourself but instead you have a super NPC behind you at all times so it still feels like you are doing the story by yourself.

However if you really insist then sure I can let you port on me. Although as Urud said, I am fairly certain you still have to do a bit of story to get in some LS maps instead of just using the item.

TTF works as long as you own the episode and the required expansion.

Bitterfrost Frontier and Domain of Kourna can both be accessed without doing any of the story. For BFF you just walk through the portal. Kourna requires interacting with the rift which seems to be invisible if you are doing the story so that is a bit tricky.

Grin. Bitterfrost was the only story I was able to do all the way :)

Kournia I accessed via my Transport thingies. Someone in chat was advertising that she was starting a group for some event in Kournia. I asked if she would invite me to her team just so I could get to the zone and she was agreeable. I ran around it, killing things and discovered Volatile magic.

I found out I can use that currency to buy portal scrolls, so I hurried to the gem store, bought the gathering tools, and had over a thousand Volatile magics in inventory that first day.

And yes, I have all the episodes and all the expansions ...I do not have the Griffon but I did get the Jackle :)

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@Tanner Blackfeather.6509 said:

@Warscythes.9307 said:I might be able to help but I will be honest, I think is the best if you do the story and then get in the maps the way is intended.

So here is what I offer. I can play with you through the story to get in the map. You can just pretend I am a NPC and I will stay behind and mostly just to make sure you don't die. Essentially you still have to do the story yourself but instead you have a super NPC behind you at all times so it still feels like you are doing the story by yourself.

However if you really insist then sure I can let you port on me. Although as Urud said, I am fairly certain you still have to do a bit of story to get in some LS maps instead of just using the item.

TTF works as long as you own the episode and the required expansion.

Bitterfrost Frontier and Domain of Kourna can both be accessed without doing any of the story. For BFF you just walk through the portal. Kourna requires interacting with the rift which seems to be invisible if you are doing the story so that is a bit tricky.

Bitterfrost Portal is only open if an alt has done the story (unless that's changed since launch). Once
character has gotten access via story,
characters can use the portal.

True that. I love Bitterfrost.

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