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Across the board suggestions

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Hi everyone,

I've been thinking these past days about a few things that could be added/improved in the game, across both core GW2, its expansions, and the Living World maps. I am aware there is a QoL sticky thread, but as some of my points are not QoL suggestions but rather criticisms (and also praise where it is due), I thought I'd just elaborate in a longer manner here instead.I'll divide the suggestions location-wise:

Core Tyria

My suggestion for this is simple:

A new mastery line focusing on something we have in the LW maps, but not in any of the expansion maps nor core Tyria: Karmic Retribution

There is a surplus of Tyria Mastery Points, and this could be an easy way make a MP sink. The reason I thought about this is rather a practical one. As a player that started playing just a few months before HoT released, I find myself always chasing Karma, as there are many Karma sinks in the game right now, whether it be regarding collections, skins, minis, etc.I find that all the other areas in the game have a currency tied to them that is great for keeping the player base returning to those maps.Each HoT map has its currency, Living World maps have unbound/volatile magic, and PoF has trade contracts and elegy mosaics. Karma was introduced in the core game so it would be fitting that there is an option for players to farm that currency there.One could argue the best way to farm karma is WvW or simply tagging events, but when you consider the cost of a backpiece in Siren's Landing is 315k Karma, tagging events doesn't quite cut it if you want to keep up with the content. And don't get me wrong, I am sitting on 1.5M karma at the moment, but if I had a way to farm it efficiently across all the maps and not just LWS4 maps, there are a lot of things I would spend karma on without a second thought, such as cultural skins, obsidian shards, etc.

TLDR; Karma Retribution mastery: 3 levels, one for each upgrade, similar to what we have on LWS4 maps

Heart Of Thorns

Again, simple: Gobblers for HoT ascended materialsHoT maps see a lot of replayability, certainly much more than PoF maps do. My main issue with HoT maps are the ascended materials you get from each map. Anyone who plays regularly will be probably sitting on more than a few stacks of Airship Oil, Auric Dust, and Leyline Sparks.I know those materials are used to craft Fulgurite and, in turn, Crystaline Ingots, needed for legendaries. However, I think we can all agree that one earns those mats way faster than Gen 2 legendaries are out so, having something to spend those in between would be nice. I also know about jeweled damask patch/dowels, by the way, but I don't think that having to spend a ton of obsidian and bolts of damask, elonian leather etc is an elegant solution, as cloth/leather prices are already pretty high.So my suggestion is simply to add gobblers for Airship Oil, Auric Dust, and Leyline Sparks. Ideally, the rewards could be something also HoT related instead of the usual bags of junk. For instance, consume 25 of each for 1 machete, up to 4 machetes a day max. Or maybe some simply getting some currency back in a one to ten rate, such as 100 Auric dust -> 10 Lumps of Aurillium. Similary as stated above, I'm in no need for such currencies as I finished most of HoT's stuff, but it would be a nice option to have. Specially seeing how some runes and stuff see more use when the meta shifts, such as leadership runes or rune of thorns back in the day.

TLDR; Gobblers

P.S: Globs of dark matter could use a gobbler too. There is virtually no use for that material whatsoever other than very niche cases. Maybe a gobbler that gives something fractal related in return?

LWS3 maps

To be fair, I don't see anything wrong with these maps, not really. But some of them see definitely more replayability than others. People still farm Winter Berries on a daily basis, and I think the same can be said, to some extent, about Orrian Pearls. However, some of the other maps are pretty much empty at all times, such as Ember Bay, Lake Doric, and Draconis Mons. All things considered, one could argue that people can still farm those maps without them being populated, just farming the nodes. But those are unrealiable at best, and most times it's just easier to farm hearts daily.Also, there is the Aurora collections to be considered, which most of us have already finished but many players still probably haven't. I think one easy solution to this is to include LWS3 maps in the daily "event completer" rotation, so that they see more playtime from time to time and people can profit from the presence of a commander or two in a map that would otherwise be empty.

TLDR; A few nodes could use a rework, and some maps are just empty.

Path Of Fire and current Living World Season 4

There's a few points I want to make that involve simultaneously PoF and LWS4.

  1. Some of LWS4's collections are gated behind PoF events that either nobody does, are easily bugged, or are too hard for a regular pug populated instance. I am obviously talking about stuff like Subject S, and Serpent's Ire.Now, I have already done those successfully, but I reckon that people that haven't, must find very frustrating to log in the Domain of Vabbi over and over to find that nobody is organizing a successful Serpent's Ire for days at a time. We get it, break bars are a thing, and it's fantastic that open world content meets some kind of difficulty. But the scaling/timer on that particular event is ridiculous. A whole squad shouldn't be punished because people can't CC and kill 5 simultaneous bosses in 2 minutes. Imagine if Verdant Brink's night meta failed completely after people didn't break the Matriarch's bar. People would be outraged. Why aren't they about Serpent's Ire? Because there is literally no incentive to do that meta event. Its rewards are a laughable. So I suggest either bump those rewards big time, or give the Serpent's Ire the "south octovine treatment", which is a more lenient timer/scaling, whatever you want to call it.

  2. And while we're on the subject of PoF rewards, let me just mention two more events that see little to no playability: Maws of Torment, and Junundu Rising.While those aren't all that difficult, you definitely need a certain amount of players to do comfortably, but then again the lack of proper rewards has made them fall into oblivion.I find myself returning to HoT metas instead of those just because they are more fun and rewarding. I understand PoF was not meant to be meta-driven, but those PoF metas feel more like Queensdale-Nobody cares about-events, than actually meta events.

  3. The LWS4 materials (Kralkatite, Difluorite, etc) have very little use other than the few collections they are tied to, such as the most recent upgradable armor in LWS4 Ep.4.While LWS3 maps are still farmed because there is ascended jewelry to be gained from it, LWS4 maps have no such thing aside from the Sandswept Isles. What do you think is going to happen to those maps two years down the line? Yeah, maybe new players will play Kourna to unlock the beetle, but I don't see many reasons to return there after you've finished all the achievements in the map. One could argue you would farm mats to convert into Volatile Magic but let's be honest, we already have Istan for that, which is way more efficient than any of the other 3 combined.


  1. Serpent's Ire needs a rework, and you shouldn't lock collections behind events that are bugged for weeks like subject S
  2. PoF metas don't have a proper effort/reward balance when you compare them to HoT ones
  3. LWS4 maps won't probably be played much in the future unless people find a good gold farm to be had there.

To whoever made it all the way through the post, I appreciate your effort and time for doing so.


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  • 2 years later...

The game is so good. but the thing i miss most about the first GW that I don't have in the second GW is my unique builds. GW2 doesn't really allow for each player to feel like there bring something different to a party or group. every staff mesmer does the same thing, every bow ranger has the same skills, every sword warrior does the same combo. I wish each weapon would at least offer a couple skills to choose from in each of the first 5 slots so I can make my character more unique than the next guy playing the same class. Also I wish there was some more accessible high end gear that doesn't take months and months to get. I wish there was a tier of gear that's in between exotic and ascended. That way people who can't spend 3 weeks straight on gw2 can still work towards something that doesn't feel out of sight. I'm dreading trying to get my ascended gear because of how much work it takes.

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@Eli Fereta.5970 said:The game is so good. but the thing i miss most about the first GW that I don't have in the second GW is my unique builds. GW2 doesn't really allow for each player to feel like there bring something different to a party or group. every staff mesmer does the same thing, every bow ranger has the same skills, every sword warrior does the same combo. I wish each weapon would at least offer a couple skills to choose from in each of the first 5 slots so I can make my character more unique than the next guy playing the same class. Also I wish there was some more accessible high end gear that doesn't take months and months to get. I wish there was a tier of gear that's in between exotic and ascended. That way people who can't spend 3 weeks straight on gw2 can still work towards something that doesn't feel out of sight. I'm dreading trying to get my ascended gear because of how much work it takes.

I understand the point of view for the complaint. Just keep in mind, GW1 was hideously unbalanced and the devs didn't want that extra work of trying to balance too many skills. The current iteration of GW2 is already proving to be something they are hard up against (although not to the same extent as in GW1)

Ascended armour is about 2 points more in stats than exotic and weapons/jewwellry slightly more. There is no room to put another tier in since the jump from exotic - ascended is negligible. Ascended is mandatory for higher fractals, recommended (but not required) for raids and optional for the rest of the game. If it feels like work, just don't get it. I've been here since day 1 and I think only 1 toon is fully ascended because it isn't worth it. As a long term goal I'll get more pieces for toons, but it doesn't help my gameplay in any way

So the answer is - exotic is your accessible high end gear outside of fractals

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@altersurek.6952 said:

Heart Of Thorns

Again, simple: Gobblers for HoT ascended materialsHoT maps see a lot of replayability, certainly much more than PoF maps do. My main issue with HoT maps are the ascended materials you get from each map. Anyone who plays regularly will be probably sitting on more than a few stacks of Airship Oil, Auric Dust, and Leyline Sparks.I know those materials are used to craft Fulgurite and, in turn, Crystaline Ingots, needed for legendaries. However, I think we can all agree that one earns those mats way faster than Gen 2 legendaries are out so, having something to spend those in between would be nice. I also know about jeweled damask patch/dowels, by the way, but I don't think that having to spend a ton of obsidian and bolts of damask, elonian leather etc is an elegant solution, as cloth/leather prices are already pretty high.So my suggestion is simply to add gobblers for Airship Oil, Auric Dust, and Leyline Sparks. Ideally, the rewards could be something also HoT related instead of the usual bags of junk. For instance, consume 25 of each for 1 machete, up to 4 machetes a day max. Or maybe some simply getting some currency back in a one to ten rate, such as 100 Auric dust -> 10 Lumps of Aurillium. Similary as stated above, I'm in no need for such currencies as I finished most of HoT's stuff, but it would be a nice option to have. Specially seeing how some runes and stuff see more use when the meta shifts, such as leadership runes or rune of thorns back in the day.

TLDR; Gobblers

i would love these, instead of just throwing them away (yes i know they are used for guild hall progression and other things but the guilds i am in do not need them anymore) and it's been 1000/1000 on my storage since forever

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