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Give PvP Teams an incentive


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Gw2 PvP Needs to give PvP teams an Incentive in order to help grow some of competition In Monthly/At's tournaments at the very least. Waiting once a Month for "teams" to be formed and then shortly after dis-banned kinda kills the joy out of making something special with a few others. Especially when no body thinks it's worth the time to make teams in the first place other then to become a "meme".

Few Ideas Anet can do to make things better for players playing as a "team":

  1. Reward Booster % increase with 3 or more players from the same "team" playing together.
  2. Special reward Tracks For Teams with 3, 4, and 5 Player playing together.
  3. Make Tournaments Timer Shorter(I believe this is still in the works)
  4. Special Team Badges (something to work for and do as a team to unlock)
  5. Special Team Titles besides the Monthly Titles that are pretty hard to get(Team titles don't need to be as great/cool as the monthly 1s but something to work for and give us purpose)
  6. Special Skins Unlocked(Unlocked after XX amount of times played with said players in said team)

These are just ideas I can think off from the top of my head, and I believe we should get some of it in order to help the game mode get some more "love" and "attention", With new maps coming out soon This can help keep the wave/flow going to have players give the game mode a try again. @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 @Gaile Gray.6029

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@"phokus.8934" said:On-demand ATs coming shortly after (or within) the time frame of Swiss style ATs is what is being worked on last we were told.

It’s just a matter as to when we will see these implemented. You don’t need to get too deep with rewards, badges, titles, etc.

heavily disagree, Just doing "at's" isn't enough of to push players into forming teams.... It'll get repetitive and boring after 3 months of the same crap for no real reward or benefits at all.

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