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Heal Scrapper is Amazing for Textmanding !!


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A video says a thousand words, but basically I have better control of pugs while using this build. It's hard to lose a fight when your front-line can hardly even be broken due to the sustain, and the psychological impact of pushing straight beyond the enemy front-line whilst sustaining seems to split up groups very well. It's not perfect, because nothing is perfect, but it's very good overall!

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASnsT5mi2tEYZRq6qw6KfXw6lBULGGVYAcf5Hdi/4bu4+1f/HA-jlxDQBA4CCAwDEo+zHVCCvHAoj4J7PARlfBAQA+5PD85PzP/5P/5P/ZX3n/8n/8n/8n/8n/sUA+NzC-w(Some trait choices such as Applied Force or Over Shield are based on personal preference and not necessarily the best for all scenarios)

Music warning / if you're strongly opposed to tasteful metal turn the volume down/off.

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You know that over shield is when you use shields, but not bad if you use it for the extra 7% damage resistanceBut why not comeback cure ?And with the sigil of life over sigil of benevolence you have higher healing numbers in general because the skills/traits scales

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@PeLi.5498 said:You know that over shield is when you use shields, but not bad if you use it for the extra 7% damage resistanceBut why not comeback cure ?And with the sigil of life over sigil of benevolence you have higher healing numbers in general because the skills/traits scalesThanks! I actually was using comeback cure, but screwed up the build editor. I'll be switching to sigil of life, thanks a lot for your input; I'm not an engi main by any means, just really love the heal scrapper build.

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I'm a huge fan of Medi Scrapper, and it's the only support build I play in any game mode (well, unless you count Quickbrand in fractals, but its more DPS than support). My only gripe with it is that it's much harder to gain WXP and bags than as a DPS or as a support FB, so it makes it much less rewarding to play than my other characters.

EDIT: oh hai, you recorded this on Sunday, right? As it happens I was in your squad on my scrapper. I remember thinking in interesting that the comm was running scrapper, since most I play with tend to run FB or Warr.

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Ya this was just from yesterday and the day before haha, honestly I had to clear my bags at least twice per hour I ran, I dunno if it was just being on the frontline and tappin' stuff with the block&reflect skills or what, retaliation plays a role for sure as well, but I got a looot of bags. Obviously less than if I were running DPS but still, I was surprised.

but yeah man scrapper really works for commanding, it's not optimal for all group comps, but it seems like a really good control/hard-carry for groups with poor damage mitigation and a really good support for groups that know what they're doing. Just need to make sure there are enough firebrands first to start running more scrappers

edit: also, can I get a second opinion on sigil of life? I've looked around the forums and most people say benevolence is better for outgoing healing but life is better for all-around (in/out) healing. But none of them were talking about heal scrapper specifically. So, it really scales better with scrapper than benevolence ?

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@"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:Ya this was just from yesterday and the day before haha, honestly I had to clear my bags at least twice per hour I ran, I dunno if it was just being on the frontline and tappin' stuff with the block&reflect skills or what, retaliation plays a role for sure as well, but I got a looot of bags. Obviously less than if I were running DPS but still, I was surprised.

Y'know after looking at your build, it might be the toolbelt utility you get from Elixir B that lets you put retaliation onto 5 allies, as well as using Elixir B on yourself. The damage from the ret should be counted as yours (at least that's how I understand it to work for support FB) so you would be tagging many more enemy players. I slot Blast Gyro exclusively for Bypass Coating, but now I'm thinking ill give the elixir a try.

@"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

edit: also, can I get a second opinion on sigil of life? I've looked around the forums and most people say benevolence is better for outgoing healing but life is better for all-around (in/out) healing. But none of them were talking about heal scrapper specifically. So, it really scales better with scrapper than benevolence ?

I'm not a min/max guru, but you're looking at +250 healing vs 12.5% increase in outgoing healing, and while Benevolence will give you higher healing numbers, that boost will only apply to outgoing heals, and won't apply to heals on yourself, so how that impacts Medical Dispersion Field (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Medical_Dispersion_Field) with regards to total healing throughput is beyond my math skills.

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@"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:edit: also, can I get a second opinion on sigil of life? I've looked around the forums and most people say benevolence is better for outgoing healing but life is better for all-around (in/out) healing. But none of them were talking about heal scrapper specifically. So, it really scales better with scrapper than benevolence ?

I cant talk about heal tempest, druid, ventari healer ... But comparing FB and engi supp, specifically with the FB is usually better Benevolence (Intervention, roll and block healing...) And he can go +/-100% outgoing healing with traits etcBut support engi has more healing skills or spam these skill more frecuently. The scales are different, Benevolence is better for the Rapid Regeneration trait (low scales, works better outgoing healing) so your healing will be biggest with Rapid Regen+MDF.But with the healing power, you heal more with the rest of the skills in general (med blaster, bandage blast, vital burst+MDF, bandage self+MDF, mortar mortar+MDF ...), including the regeneration boon which is really important to the engi (+MDF too). And the outgoing healing doesnt work with you, healing power yes. So if you heal yourself more, you heal them more.Thats my point, but both run really well. Try both and choose :)

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Why do you get less bags than a support firebrand?

I usually get more in our guild setup. One reason is an increased range with hammer-5, mortar-5 and hitting people occassionally with hammer-2-4 in close combat.

Another reason is healscrapper beeing the new "boonshare" profession. Especially now with altruism-rune+mortar, but also in general with EG-3, and Medikit-3 you can get up to permanently 4 cleanses/conversions per second (and everywhere is +1 regeneration). Arcdps boontable tends to crash in WvW, but usually, I get higher boon outputs than the guards. Slick-shoes and kinetic stabilizers work well for some rapid-regen heal and solo stability in addition.

About Benevolence/life at MDF and other skills:If you increase your healing power by 250 more (at heal power 1500 it's 16.7%) and 50% is shared, that's 8.9% more with life from mdf. Of course you need to factor in healing scaling factors of the different skills, but using 100% here is a good overestimation, I guess. Benevolence would give 12.5%.Regeneration scales at 12.5% with healing power, so with the sigil of life, you get 16.7% 12.5% =2% more. The third best healing, med blaster, scales with ~25% with healing power, so you get 16.7% 25%= 4.2%.Bandage self has a scale factor of 100%, so you get 16.7% more self-heal and 8.9% more ally heal.Vital burst, however, has a 103% scaling, so it heals 17.2% more with life sigil. I don't think this skill alone will tip the scales, though...

Of course, self-heal with benevolence is decreased by 16.7%.So, in total, benevolence appears better than life to me, if you can survive it. ^^

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For me the numbers were favorable to Sigil of Life, cant find the maths (probably deleted), but thats was the result. Not thinking in surviving, all of us can surviving and not die. Thinking in teammates healing. And watching your maths Im not sure if they're correct. But like I said, both of these 2 sigils are right :)

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  • 4 months later...

Sorry for reviving this 5 month old topic but I want to share my experience on both Sigil of Life and Sigil of Benevolence.

Months ago I have tested both Sigils in WvW combat but with my Tempest Healer, not Scrapper. The Sigil of Life gives a tad higher HPS ticks from my Soothing Mist. Not game changing but just 2 or 3 ticks more but I cannot remember the exact number. Anyway, my thoughts are perhaps this is caused by the Bountiful Maintence Oil (BMO) and how it works?

Sigil of Life adds heals to your healing power as you stack them but Sigil of Benevolence grants healing effectiveness, which if I remember correctly, effectiveness buff does not add numbers to your stats pool but only increases the skill effectivness. So, BMO gives 0.6% outgoing heal increase for every 100 healing power and not healing effectiveness, hence affecting only the Sigil of Life and not Benevolence. Idk, I may be wrong here.

So, correct me if I am wrong though. Based on actual calculations by some math wizs here, the Benevolence Sigil gives higher heals over the Life Sigil, but based on my actual gameplay testing, the Life Sigil is better. I want to know why too.

PS One way to confirm this is maybe someone can do a test without using BMO.

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This highly depends on the heal modifier of your skill.Soothing mist scales 100% with healpower.A full-cleric scrapper build has roughly 1750 healpower. if you add sigil of life's 250 that's 14% mehr healing via soothing mist. Benevolence stacks would only give 12.5%.However, Most scrapper skills have lower modifiers. Medblaster has 70+20%. so 250 more healpower would only mean an increase of 10% while benevolence again would give 12.5%.The main heals on scrapper are medblaster (20%), regeneration (12.5%) and medical dispersion field. The latter shares 50% of all self-heal, which is a long list with a lot of different modifiers. rapid-regeneration does one thing, but bandage-self, regeneration, soothing detonations, super-elixir, water combo fields, and vital burst also all trigger MDF.Life-sigill stacks give an additional 1.4% from BMO by the way.

If one goes full minstrel, the percentile healing power gained by sigill of life is higher, so it might make more sense.For mixed/cleric builds benevolence will heal allies a bit more but yourself less, while life also increases self-healing.If you put it down to numbers the two sigils shouldn't have that much difference in their output...

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