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Please Fix the Server Lag

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@Emprer.7256 said:Sea player here. Been getting 3K lag spikes constantly these two weeks. How about they fix the server instead of asking us to use ping stabling software if many people are being affected?

PingPlotter is not a fix and will do nothing to stabilize your connection, it's a tool to identify where the issue actually is. It is far more likely the issue is with either your ISP or one of the many hops between your home and the GW2 server. Your asking them to fix the server, when the problem is probably with the network connecting you to the server (it has happened many times before and will happen again and again).

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@ShiningSquirrel.3751 said:PingPlotter is not a fix and will do nothing to stabilize your connection, it's a tool to identify where the issue actually is. It is far more likely the issue is with either your ISP or one of the many hops between your home and the GW2 server. Your asking them to fix the server, when the problem is probably with the network connecting you to the server (it has happened many times before and will happen again and again).

so you mean it's possible that most people who are experiencing this are having issues bc their ISP's are all having trouble connecting to the GW2 server? Correct?

I'm also experiencing constant disconnect as of just past hours. I can login to other games and browse the internet just fine so how exactly do I use Pingplotter to identify if my isp is fucking up the connection to GW2 server?

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Pingplotter merely identifies where in a long chain of internet infrastructure, usually routers, there is congestion which causes packets to be dropped.This may not be your ISP, nor Anets ISP, but could be Companies not related to either which own intermediate infrastructure.TCPIP which uses IPV4 , which is what most of the Internet still uses, and which was invented in 1970 doesnt guarantee connection bandwidth between any 2 end points on the Internet, so the usual way of overcoming lag or high latency is to change ISPs or use a VPN.Neither method is guaranteed though.

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@ZisIzaac.1985 said:

@penguin.9271 said:Players from SEA and Oceanic are having massive ping spikes and are unable to play. Skills takes forever to cast. Please fix this issue thx.

same here :anguished:

do traceroute and find out at which hopping point does delay starts to occur, if it is your ISP or a routing center, Anet cannot do anything

PLUS... Anet is no longer hosting the server in-house, they are hosting on Amazon's cloud server service AWS

so Anet is very unlikely to be responsible for your high ping, they will need to submit support ticket to Amazon if there's a network issue

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@"mauried.5608" said:TCPIP which uses IPV4 , which is what most of the Internet still uses, and which was invented in 1970

TCP uses IPv4 or IPv6, depending on which version(s) of IP you have available(0) and which version(s) the server has available, although most MMORPGs are IPv4-only.(1)

IPv4 was invented in about 1980, not 1970, but it does, indeed not guarantee data rate availability, reliability of delivery, and so on. TCP is responsible for reliability.

(0) IPv6 is not a "business-only" thing, and may actually be more common for consumers than it is for businesses. Consumer 4G mobile networks have IPv6 (it's an inherent part of the 4G standards, that IPv6 is available), and there is an ever-increasing fraction of consumer ISPs that provide IPv6. (I have it at home on a consumer full-fat fibre connection.)

(1) Mobile phone MMORPGs have to support IPv6 because apps in Apple's App Store must function correctly in an environment that has IPv6 only.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lag,lag,problems ok i have common ping from 50 to 150/200 and last 3 or 4 days 500 to 1500/2000 and i am close to german servers and i wonder way?Fix the game i have pay for it and now i lose may time and time is money my other games are free to play and they provide smooth play even pvp ok!

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  • 4 months later...

@aimiraraa.2081 said:no fix yet?It hasn't been established that something is broken that is on ANet's turf. There's a lot of internet between SEA and Amazon's web servers in Virginia USA; band latency can be caused by any or many steps along the way.

That's why you'll see people urging you to run PingPlotter or similar software to track down where the delays are happening. If you aren't sure that's something you want to do, start a support ticket. ANet will walk you through the steps (including a tool that can gather the necessary data and they'll interpret for you).

@"Mouse.7382" said:For over a week now, my lag/rubberbanding/disconnection has been horrendous. Fellow Seattle native here.

FYI "SEA" in this context refers to "SouthEast Asia," not "Seattle." (Or maybe you meant that you, like ANet, grew up in the area.)

Regardless, same goes for us in the US: there's still a lot of internet. Gather the data to find out where the problem occurs.

There are some things worth trying, because they are simple enough to do without worrying about a cause or waiting for ANet or an ISP to respond:

  • Restart your router (if you can).
  • If wireless, try wired (or vice-versa, although that's usually worse).
  • Use a proxy server (in theory, that makes things worse; in practice, it gives you the option to influence the routing, because sometimes the shortest distance in underground cable is not the fastest)
  • Try playing from a different machine or, if possible using a different network.
  • If wired, disconnect all your internet cable and reconnect.
  • If wired, try using a different outlet on the router.

These aren't necessarily likely to work; they are just quick and don't require much (if any) tech savvy.

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