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Swords going through the ground [Weapon placement}

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Hey there,

So, for me, swords popping through the ground is a big problem. I like looking at my characters, I enjoy weapons I can wear but there are races which struggle with having weapons too long or too low in the half of body. F.e. - Charr, Norn.

I know there are some weapons that are very well positioned on the body of user when stowed:

  • Scion's Claw
  • Shining Blade
  • Auric Sword
  • Caladbolg Rosa
  • Ebon Vanguard
  • and other

So please, fix it or stop designing swords that are either too long or badly placed because it's very frustrating to look at. At least for me.The new Dragonsblood Sword looks amazing but unfortunately it doesn't even stick to the Charr while it's stowed and this is terrible. It pops through the ground just like Mordrem Sabre or even Bolt...

Scion's Claw and Ebon Vanguard is the correct and realistic way of making weapon stick to the user's body and this should be a default way for both Norn and Charr.

If you can't fix the issue, stop causing it with more badly placed weapons, please.

Thanks, and I hope that everyone can say a word or two on this pretty minor topic.

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@Yol.1685 said:It's bad enough when the sword appears to dig a furrow in the ground behind you, but even worse when it's clearly digging into your leg.....

And that's the stuff I personally think should be a priority when it comes to visuals in game. This is annoying and you can't unsee this. Every race has some issues and I could point a ton more, but weapons are a big part of game and digging holes with them doesn't look good...

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Personally I don't think this is a priority for ANet. If you watched the Warclaw showcase stream, you probably noticed the tail constantly clipping through the ground when not moving. If this is what is included in the showcase for their newest shiny, I don't think it is seen as an issue at all.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Personally I don't think this is a priority for ANet. If you watched the Warclaw showcase stream, you probably noticed the tail constantly clipping through the ground when not moving. If this is what is included in the showcase for their newest shiny, I don't think it is seen as an issue at all.

Well, it obviously shouldn't be the top priority but visually, I think it could be looked at. GW2 focuses a lot on the aesthetics and this is just taking away from it. ATM team should focus on Balance and GW2 future, but this I just wanted to let someone know that this might be an issue.

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@"DonArkanio.6419" said:for me, swords popping through the ground is a big problem.

You are not alone. Resizing the weapons in their "stowed" state on Asura, for instance, is an awful solition - it looks ridiculous. Placement alone won't solve the issue of many weapons being enormously oversized, either. Back to more realistic designs in terms of size would be a nice solution for future skins. :+1:

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