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How is Scourge now on raid training?


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@DirtyDan.4759 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:STATS:Full Magi Armor, Trinkets and weapons.

Why magi gear over shaman gear? Is it really worth it to sacrifice damage for a bit of extra healing power?

If you want damage you run hybrid with plaguedoctor and scepter.

Plaguedoctor seems like a pretty bad choice here.

  1. Wasted stats by taking concentration
  2. Pretty low amount of healpower
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  • 2 months later...

Heard some scourge running Rune of the pack so his allies get some extra might and furyAnyone tried that?Something like that could actually work?Or is Superior rune of the flock just better all around?

(Will be making a Exotic set with rune of Mercy for the time when I ever meet a die hard pug...)

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@Rico.6873 said:Heard some scourge running Rune of the pack so his allies get some extra might and furyAnyone tried that?

Can the fury not be covered by someone else? Do you want to give might and fury? Then you can run pack runes. It depends on what your goal is.

When I play Heal Scourge in random low li groups/training runs, my goal is to hard carry so I generally use full magi with mercy runes. I have the endless upgrade extractor and switch them out for other runes when I feel it's appropriate.

Decide on what your goal as a Support Scourge is with your group and we can give you better advice.

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@Rico.6873 said:Heard some scourge running Rune of the pack so his allies get some extra might and furyAnyone tried that?Something like that could actually work?Or is Superior rune of the flock just better all around?

(Will be making a Exotic set with rune of Mercy for the time when I ever meet a die hard pug...)

Not needed since if you are running heal scourge in raids, you can just run a druid as first heal and he will provide might and fury for the entire squad. Might and fury for the entire squad and some of the other utility is the reason why druids are still run as primary healer with alternating off healers.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Rico.6873 said:Heard some scourge running Rune of the pack so his allies get some extra might and furyAnyone tried that?Something like that could actually work?Or is Superior rune of the flock just better all around?

(Will be making a Exotic set with rune of Mercy for the time when I ever meet a die hard pug...)

Not needed since if you are running heal scourge in raids, you can just run a druid as first heal and he will provide might and fury for the entire squad. Might and fury for the entire squad and some of the other utility is the reason why druids are still run as primary healer with alternating off healers.

Except that druid doesn't usually as doing that requires either everyone in same sub or Storm Spirit. And Storm Spirit, if ever used, gets dropped first from utility bar if some encounter-specific utility is needed or if you have both condi and power dpsers in squad (which means majority of bosses). Everyone in same sub...never happens unless Kitty's commanding the squad (she does use one-sub comps occasionally for better boon spread).

For VG, druid often needs to bring Frost and Stone spirits and Tides.For Sloth, druid usually brings stunbreak.For Matt, most pug druids bring Sun+Stone+Frost.For Cairn, there's often at least a couple power dps'ers in squad and druid brings Frost+Sun+Stone.Same for MO.For Sam, druid often brings Glyph of Tides for Rigom.Majority of heal-scourges can't oilkite properly at Deimos so druid can't activate Storm Spirit to keep up fury 'cause oilkiting.For SH, druid already runs Stone+Sun+Tides since healscourge can't push really.Guess druid can drop Stone for Storm at Dhuum...At Largos, if you happen to use heal-scourge, you need to bring might and fury for the sub since druid can't mightbot for your sub after split. Boonduration plox.At Qadim, it's often Frost+Sun+Stone.Same for Cardinals (unless you use boonthief for Adina which brings full fury).Qadim 2.0 also tends to use Frost+Sun+Stone.

If both subs have a chrono with Pack runes, the chrono in heal-scourge's sub might be able to maintain 80-85% fury uptime for the sub due to SoI extensions. But especially in training runs, Kitty's often seen chronos without pack runes and that's ended up in 30-40% fury uptimes for heal-scourge's sub (unless Kitty was the heal-scourge with her fancy back runes).

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@LadyKitty.6120 said:

@Rico.6873 said:Heard some scourge running Rune of the pack so his allies get some extra might and furyAnyone tried that?Something like that could actually work?Or is Superior rune of the flock just better all around?

(Will be making a Exotic set with rune of Mercy for the time when I ever meet a die hard pug...)

Not needed since if you are running heal scourge in raids, you can just run a druid as first heal and he will provide might and fury for the entire squad. Might and fury for the entire squad and some of the other utility is the reason why druids are still run as primary healer with alternating off healers.

Except that druid doesn't usually as doing that requires either everyone in same sub or Storm Spirit. And Storm Spirit, if ever used, gets dropped first from utility bar if some encounter-specific utility is needed or if you have both condi and power dpsers in squad (which means majority of bosses). Everyone in same sub...never happens unless Kitty's commanding the squad (she does use one-sub comps occasionally for better boon spread).

For VG, druid often needs to bring Frost and Stone spirits and Tides.For Sloth, druid usually brings stunbreak.For Matt, most pug druids bring Sun+Stone+Frost.For Cairn, there's often at least a couple power dps'ers in squad and druid brings Frost+Sun+Stone.Same for MO.For Sam, druid often brings Glyph of Tides for Rigom.Majority of heal-scourges can't oilkite properly at Deimos so druid can't activate Storm Spirit to keep up fury 'cause oilkiting.For SH, druid already runs Stone+Sun+Tides since healscourge can't push really.Guess druid can drop Stone for Storm at Dhuum...At Largos, if you happen to use heal-scourge, you need to bring might and fury for the sub since druid can't mightbot for your sub after split. Boonduration plox.At Qadim, it's often Frost+Sun+Stone.Same for Cardinals (unless you use boonthief for Adina which brings full fury).Qadim 2.0 also tends to use Frost+Sun+Stone.

If both subs have a chrono with Pack runes, the chrono in heal-scourge's sub might be able to maintain 80-85% fury uptime for the sub due to SoI extensions. But especially in training runs, Kitty's often seen chronos without pack runes and that's ended up in 30-40% fury uptimes for heal-scourge's sub (unless Kitty was the heal-scourge with her fancy back runes).

Yeah, except none of that applies when you have a heal scrouge.

If your druid isn't providing raid might and fury, you are doing it wrong.

VG - none of that is needed with a heal scourge, you have barrier.Sloth - druid bringing stunbreak is 2017 meta. Get 1 of your DH to bring along 10 mann stab, done.Matthias - again, you have a heal scrouge with barrier. If your druid needs to invest this hard into people surviving, your scrouge is afk or your druid sucksCairn - barrier > stone AGAINMO - Stone on MO, what are you smoking exactly?Deimos - I wouldn't bring a heal scourge to Deimos in the first place.SH - you are still bringing stone instead of using barrier. Slowly I have a feeling you have never actually had a heal scourge in your compositionLargos - you bring two druids or you use portal strat. Once again, no stone neededQuadim - two druids or you have a way bigger benefit of having barrier than protection once again

You are relying way to much on protection. It's neither needed in most of those fights, nor will it help against mechanics where a heal scourge does not vastly outperform the protection provided. You are literally making your offheal worse by not utilizing 10 man abilities.

If you ABSOLUTELY need protection, drop one of the offensive spirits since your group will not utilize them to the fullest anyway. Don't try to make the necro do something he is bad at. 10 mann boons is one of the most powerful abilities on any boon (be it stab on guardian, alacrity on rev or fury+might on druid).

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Heal scourge is very strong on wings 1, 2, and 4. It's useful on 3 but I prefer to run druid there, either solo or paired, group dependant. Heal scourge on Deimos isn't advised. It can be done but you have to be a pretty pro heal scourge and know what your are doing. Heal scourge shouldn't run mercy runes in raids, unless your group needs a hard carry, in which case the debate around the heal scourge is the least of your worries.

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