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Firebrand nerfed already while Scourge and Spellbreaker reign free


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Guard isn't viable without DH tbh. Most of the trait lines are terrible, and DH brings so much to it. Shield of courage is great for allies cleaving or ressing, wings is needed mobility and increased sustain, and the pull is way better than the core virtue of justice. Furthermore, DH brings you much needed cleanses. Whenever you block with aegis, shelter, or shield of courage, a condition is removed. That's huge. I've been using Hammer + Scepter/Focus with Virtues/Valor/DH (cleanse over glacial heart), Shelter, Renewed Focus, and the three old meditations. As for DH traits, the cleanse on block, obviously, and since the traps are nerfed into uselessness (agreed), the alternative immobilise and damage on wings of resolve is actually quite good, giving it offensive as well as defensive applications. At the very least it'll force a dodge. Inreasing shield of courage radius is alright... Ideally there'd be something better but that's all that really fits, and does help when cleaving or vs. cleave, making you a better shield for allies. It has the potential to be a viable team fighter, has a ton of cleanse for vs. scourge, a ton of self-healing, 3 ways to immobilise for coordination, great burst, and as always, it deals with thieves very well. As for whether something like that could be meta.. I don't know; there are likely to be a number of changes still to come.

Firebrand, I just can't see being good in PvP. It might be doable vs some comps, but Tempest should still outshine it. It just brings an old concept in as a profession ability focus. It'll require a team around it that can end fights quickly, meaning it should be at a significant disadvantage against a tanky sustain comp with a necro, while a more versatile and mobile comp would be able to compete with either.

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@Arcaedus.7290 said:

@Ravezaar.4951 said:the whines on this Forum

This may be whiny but it's a legitimate complaint of injustice. Firebrand got smashed by the nerfbat before any other class did. The bugfix was necessary but the nerf to Legendary Lore (which was arguably not necessary) should have been pushed back to the balance update; not weeks beforehand.

Did we really forget about the 25% damage nerf to Holosmith. Pretty much threw that class into trash tier. And it's squishy af to boot. Only condi builds outside of thief are allow to have high burst these days. I wish Holosmith burst like Condi Scourge does. The reality is not.

On a side note playing Scourge atm in PvP. Pretty damn face roll till teams start range focusing my down. Then I fall over from full health to nothing like a stack of bricks.

The problem is the lack of cooperation between teammates. The lack of willingness to win. Also just a lack of care in general, from all parties in question at this point.

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@NaiveBayes.2587 said:As someone who mostly plays engineer and revenant(has literally no viable builds atm) in spvp. It's quite funny to hear others complain about build diversity.

Power Herald is quite viable. Most of the new specs aren't as good for PvP as the HoT ones, and Herald remains as one of the strongest builds for PvP. Is harder to use than a Spellbreaker, sure, but brings other things like great AoE cc/cleave.

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