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WvW Build


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The only "acceptable" build in zergs is minstrel chrono support.

But I find it one of the most mindnumbingly boring builds in existance.

For a sustain build that can actually do something to the enemy you want ~1600 toughness, ~1400 vitality and then dump the rest into whatever condi or power you specialize in. With power, you should reach 2200/40%/200% or numbers arounds there and still have some left overs for condi (I run with 500, this effectivly doubles your condi damage. Not much compared to a condi build, but it really helps keeping some of the tougher opponents suppressed while you work with power, but depends a little on your weapons and spec though). All celestial isnt so good imo. Part celestial is better.

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A bit of context here can help explain. The reason that full minstrel Chrono support is the only acceptable build for WvW group fights is because mesmer completely and totally incapable of dealing anything that even kinda looks like meaningful damage. You could be in full zerk and be the best mesmer player in the game, and a herald in Marauder's gear that started last week will outdamage you with ease.

So, you don't run damage. Unfortunately, you can't actually support either anymore. Used to be that Chrono provided boons. These days...not so much. You go minstrel anyway because then you can't die, and you use focus pull, gravity well, veil, and illusion of life as appropriate. You're basically a utility totem in a really tanky suit.

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Well it really depends on how one define the "blob" requirement in the OP. I mentioned the minstrel chrono because its hard not to, but that is for zergs, ie commanded groups. Is that what the topic is about... or a less cohesive cloud (aka blob)? I dunno I'll let OP answer that.

But for unsupported clouding/blobbing down the enemy, the power mirage is one of the best. Because you need 3 things - burst, evasion and the capability to secure stomps.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey fellas!Ima bump this thread and repeat OPs question;

Veils/portals etc are still in demand in zergwars, but what are you running nowdays to be efficient gearwise?Minstrel is rather dull imo, and from my perspective it should be rather OK to run a powerbuild with a few picks of marauder/maybe soldier to hug the tag and pick off stragglers like weavers and stuff.

Whats your opinion?

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In publics you don't play mesmer, it's just not worth it from enjoyment or performance point of view. If you are only good mesmer in GvG guild, than idk, i quit the game at that point, but basically you have to hit CCs, IoL and veil. Other than that, you can run whatever and it won't impact your performance all that much.

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@SloRules.3560 said:In publics you don't play mesmer, it's just not worth it from enjoyment or performance point of view. If you are only good mesmer in GvG guild, than idk, i quit the game at that point, but basically you have to hit CCs, IoL and veil. Other than that, you can run whatever and it won't impact your performance all that much.

Is it even necessary to run Chrono for that long CD F5 and elite well anymore...?

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@Noha.3749 said:

@SloRules.3560 said:In publics you don't play mesmer, it's just not worth it from enjoyment or performance point of view. If you are only good mesmer in GvG guild, than idk, i quit the game at that point, but basically you have to hit CCs, IoL and veil. Other than that, you can run whatever and it won't impact your performance all that much.

Is it even necessary to run Chrono for that long CD F5 and elite well anymore...?

Does any other spec bring anything more to the table? GWell is really good tbh and you can make it double. Even if you run any other elite, it's still benefitial to duplicate it. (also infinite target shield cc, but not all that much for publics, when you get to melee everyone is ussually already dead)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If i stuck with my mesmer for the busy hours I usually use interrupt build (condi or normal power version). Staff 5 & gravity well can help you interrupt 5 people. If you take null field + feedback + mimic you can do valuable tricks at zerg fights. Not easy to time it right for me because I am not that good on mesmer. But it is really fun to use it. But I have not seen any zergs demanding more than 1-2 mesmers.

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