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Searing Fissure Animation bug


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So I haven’t seen it discussed anywhere, but with the recent changes to Searing Fissure it looks like they added the Coalesence of Ruin animation to the skill.

However it looks like they coded it wrong and it plays in reverse, meaning the cascade effect starts Away from the Player and then moves towards the player. It’s weird and visually unappealing.

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@Justine.6351 said:They changed its function? It's a cascade?

Sorry, to be more precise, I’m assuming they attempted to add more “oompf” to the skill animation now since a large portion of its damage is now on the initial strike (what I meant by recent changes for the skill). It isn’t a cascade in function persay but the animation “cascades” forward, or rather it should be forward but seems to do it backwards now, towards the player instead.

@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Hmmm, I wasn't experiencing it tonight and I was running mace the whole 3 hours I was on. Is it still happening for you?

I haven’t played since they changed the Mace 3 damage to be frontloaded and I noticed it immediately when I logged in today. It was happening on all maps I was on and even after relogging throughout the night.

I’ll check it tomorrow and see if I can get some video if it’s still different. I was confused by it since I haven’t seen any posts about the animation change on the forums, making me wonder if it was a “just me” bug or if it’s something that did get changed but no one else noticed/thought to mention

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:Okay so I see what you mean now @LucianTheAngelic.7054. I originally misread your post and thought you meant it replaced the Searing Fussure animation, but I was looking at it some more last night and do see what you are describing. I swear sometimes I hear part of the CoR sound effect as well? I could just be imagining it.

Yeah it looks like they added in the CoR sound effect as well. It’s just dumb because they put the CoR part of the animation going in the wrong direction ? I’m not sure why it was necessary to touch the animation at all honestly ??‍♀️

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