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Ventari's Tablet and Fragment Smart-Healing Tracking


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It's been quite some time since I last made a thread on the forum. I've been pleased with many of the Ventari changes as of late, including a patch which made the tablet's movement much smoother and easier to see and the one which turned the facet into a reliable pulsing healing. However, there is a mechanic which I wish to request be added to the tablet's fragments.

The Tablet Fragments are created when the Revenant uses the ability 'Energy Expulsion' and/or if they take the 'Natural Abundance' Talent within the salvation line. With the right gear and proper usage of the ability, these little pieces can heal for a sizable amount of health. However, lack of player understanding, the heat of WvW/PvP battle, and random wide spread placement of the pieces after the explosion often leaves them vanishing on the ground before someone can run over their incredibly small hit boxes.

It's for this reason that I request that the Tablet Fragments contain a smart heal property and be rapidly pulled towards players with varying gradients of lower health. For example, players who have less than 33% health will draw them in from very long distances (600-900 range), with lower health players being most prioritized. And as recommended, it should focus squad > party members > outside members. It's sort of like the tablet moving towards the player, but instead it's the fragments healing players who actually need healing the most.

As one who has played Support Revenant for several years now, I believe this to be a reasonable request; and I believe that this change would turn what is often considered one the weakest Revenant Elites, into a very useful and rewarding emergency healing ability in a pinch.

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Seems decent. How does this work if you're intending to heal yourself but there are allies around?

Let's say i use elite with tablet on-top of myself at 40% hp, do the fragments spawn and fly away from me to a player with 30%? Might want to consider giving priority to the Ventari user/person closest to tablet, or shortening the draw range to 450-600.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That would work too. But Now I'm concerned about these healing orbs which are quite useful, but vanish if no one contacts them. I do not see why they cannot at the very least explode for their 120 healing radius after the 3 seconds expire.

As much as I really do not wish to bring this up, the -healing orbs all over the place for player pickup- is a mechanic as old as Mist-weaver Monk From World of Warcraft. When they performed certain abilities or met certain requirements, Chi healing orbs would spawn all over the ground around them. It was an interesting concept, but Blizzard realized that it then made half their healing reliant on the knowledge-base and competence of players who realize the full potential of these orbs or can flat out see them in the heat of (in our case: Necro-bombs/field bombs, 20+ enemys, etc) intense battle. Blizzard eventually gave the orbs a tracking ability via legion's Mist-weaver relic weapon. But now the mechanic is gone and only provides bonuses for the Mist-weaver themselves.

If a developer is going to make a healing mechanic that places very tiny healing orbs on the ground, there needs to be mechanics which make them viable in various circumstances.

That's why I suggested that these orbs and fragments track/follow allies like the green orbs in Kingdom Hearts and/or (at the very least) explode after their 3 second duration expires.

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@WraithOfStealth.1624 said:Seems decent. How does this work if you're intending to heal yourself but there are allies around?

Let's say i use elite with tablet on-top of myself at 40% hp, do the fragments spawn and fly away from me to a player with 30%? Might want to consider giving priority to the Ventari user/person closest to tablet, or shortening the draw range to 450-600.

I don't See why they cannot heal the Ventari user AND the single people they track.

It is an emergency-based Skill after all. Under the more viable builds, most of a Tablet Rev's healing is outgoing, making all healing on the reverent themselves practically worthless (Halved). For example, mine heal others for about 3.3K but they only heal me for about 1.2k. Since they do not heal 5 targets, I see this as a very balanced mechanic considering that Tablet revenants are the more dedicated support/power-healers of the game.

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@messiah.1908 said:the most easy way is to delete the fragments and just after 2 sec around the table and the player a pulse of heal is out healing around it

sure you have to reduce the amount of healing

This is usually what most MMO's end up doing. But it's something that I really do not want to happen to the spec. Of all the healers I've ever played across 10 or more of the most popular MMO's, the Tablet Revenant is by far the most unique and fresh experience I've ever encountered.

I would rather they maintain lore-based properties but be more reasonable with the mechanics, and understand that the class needs tweaking and bug fixes which make the class feel more user-friendly, without completly gutting the challenge of playing the class all together. I'm looking at you engineers with all your instant-cast, un-CCable, 600 range cleanses with an ArcDPS condition clear rating of 1,200 cleanses per minute.

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