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List of Core Revenant changes/addition Ideas/Suggestions 2019


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These are some of my ideas. Let's keep the list going while staying as close to power scaling with other classes like mesmer in terms of balance.

Core Legend skills now all have a optional 2nd ability that can be swapped into them for better customization and builds.

As a fun utility, all racial skills are now revamped into a racial legend with copies of standard racial skills. Same skills now just in it's own functional racial legend.

Ventari legend:Is split into two forms. Tablet and non tablet. Skill 6 summons tablet and changes skill 6 through 0 into tablet skills. The elite destroy the tablet and replaced skill 6 with the tablet respawns and skills 7-0 are all it's own skills in a combination of Defense and Support healing close range. Tablet has superior ranged healing but poor close burst healing. Non tablet has stronger burst close range healing support and defensive attacks that work in synergy with other legends and builds that may not be totally focused on healing.

Dwarf legend:The Forced Engagement Taunt skill is now a tag attack and pull chain skill. The first skill throw a chain at the target that tethers the target similar to Guardian Dragon Hunter. It damages the target when you are take damage, and damages more when you recieve a heal. The activation skill or this breaks the chain knocking down the target.

Inspired Reinforcement is now an upkeep ability instead of vengeful hammers. It now works like under water in circles the Revenant and granting small duration stability to allies and damages enemies causing weakness. This a lighting field.

Vengeful hammer is now a chain activation skill. The first skill summons 4 hammers to circle the revenant and damages enemies and cause slow on impact. Second chain skill allow revenant to throw the hammers at a range causing slowness. Forth hammer throw causes a stun.

The elite skill Rite of the dwarf is also changed into a chain activation skill. The first activation makes the Revenant skin into a rocky brute that is temporary immune to CC and Breaks stunts and boosting defense and creates a barrier and damages incoming melee attackers with lighting. The activation skill for this ends the rock skin and shoots out a chain lighting attack at the enemy that jumps to nearby enemies for weaker damage per jump.

New core weapons added:Dagger is a mid 900 ranged 900 channeled damage weapon with support elements.

Focus offhand is support and range attacking weapon.

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