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It's time to start banning addons and 3rd party tools

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@kharmin.7683 said:

If two people are pursuing the same thing and one's degree of success can negatively impact the other's, that is a competitive endeavor.

Farming gold does not impact any other player, either positively or negatively.

Are gold farmers actually farming gold, or are they, usually, farming materials and such that they then sell for gold?

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Whether this should be bannable or not is something I don't concern myself at the moment, but people being worried about it and expressing their disapproval, is also not unheard of. "Everyone can use it" Sure, everyone can also exploit bosses and mechanics in a way they weren't suppose to be played, but that does't mean I have to like it and that's completely harmless. When people decide this is new hot stuff and meta to do boss or some encounter this way, everyone and their mother suddenly starts using that exploit and if you are alone in party who prefers to do it as intended, you are asking for kick or some insults coming your way.

Sure, this is a bit different, because people don't usually expect others to have these 3rd party addons installed (even though I did encounter some cases), but then again, I'm doing guild mission, trying to help new folks and there is this guy or couple of them who complete rush first try with Taco and encourage others who are having trouble with it to try it out, completely ruining first time experience. Of course, everyone decides for themselves if they will install it, but still, we all know how society can pressure you into doing things you might not otherwise do. People do things they normally wouldn't non stop, just to blend in and be cool, so they can hang out with the cool guys. And when 5 people complete the rush in first try and then wait around for those who are struggling, do you think those left struggling are feeling encouraged at that moment? Do you think they have fun? No, they think they are slowing everyone down and they lose interest, because why bother if some play with cheats. Point of group content is to work together.

This is just one example and of course I know Anet supposedly doesn't have problem with these addons, but that still doesn't mean they are 100% right. They make good and bad decisions. They are also fine with afk farmers last time I checked and that's complete BS imo. I don't expect anything to happen in any case, but I can express my displeasure like anyone else is doing on forums.

On a side note: I also don't like dps meter. The things I heard and read in game communicated between people that was result of dps meters, made me sick.I agree that everyone has fun in their own way and may do so, but I don't agree that these things are completely harmless and are definetly affecting others in various ways.

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