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[No longer need help Thank You <3]I need help with 5 last tokens [Token Collector - Rising Flames]

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These are fairly hard to insanely hard, depending on your personal skill level. I was able to complete them via AyinMaiden's video guide:

Some hints:

  1. Take the time. No need to rush this. Don't even attempt when you do not have a few hours of time.
  2. You will miss some jumps and glides. Keep trying. The checkpoints allow you to come back to these save points.
  3. You can make if you complete it step-by step. Carefully watch how Ayin completes a small bit, then just to the same. This takes time but it will save you time in the end.
  4. Put GW2 in a window to allow easy switching to the youtube video, or put GW2 and the youtube vid side-by-side.
  5. Checkpoints cannot be skipped for the jumping puzzles, but can be skipped for the tokens. If you're lucky, a mesmer may be able to help you with a few tokens. I however, was alone there and just carefully followed Ayin's video.

Be prepared to cry a few tears. The volcano is always hungry for tears of frustration or the bodies unfortunate adventurers.

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@"Arden.7480" said:I've never asked for help, but this is the most difficult achievement to me to finish it... I've been struggling with this achievement for very long.


As you can see I'm talking about Sopor Titanium tokens, located within the most horrific JP.

If anyone could help me, I'd be forever grateful.

if you are on eu, i can hook you up with a good friend of mine who does weekly (if not daily) ember bay jp' taxis including all mursaat tokens

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@melandru.3876 said:

@"Arden.7480" said:I've never asked for help, but this is the most difficult achievement to me to finish it... I've been struggling with this achievement for very long.

As you can see I'm talking about Sopor Titanium tokens, located within the most horrific JP.

If anyone could help me, I'd be forever grateful.

if you are on eu, i can hook you up with a good friend of mine who does weekly (if not daily) ember bay jp' taxis including all mursaat tokens

I'm indeed on EU. I would be so grateful for his help!

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@Arden.7480 said:

@Arden.7480 said:I've never asked for help, but this is the most difficult achievement to me to finish it... I've been struggling with this achievement for very long.

As you can see I'm talking about Sopor Titanium tokens, located within the most horrific JP.

If anyone could help me, I'd be forever grateful.

if you are on eu, i can hook you up with a good friend of mine who does weekly (if not daily) ember bay jp' taxis including all mursaat tokens

I'm indeed on EU. I would be so grateful for his help!

i contacted him, will let you know later today how and when

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