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[PvP] The Comeback King Core Spec


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For those who don't have expacs but still want to dunk on Holosmiths, this is the build for you;https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Comeback_King_Engie_Core_Spec - Written Guide

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQJAqenUIC1ahtbBWXBsehF2iaMHHjaD8DLxAQcjminA-jJxHQBHpMQBfAADZ/BAcCAAA (you have to copy the link into your search bar for it to work for some reason. Don't know why.)



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@Vagrant.7206 said:How well does it match up against condi-clearing specs?

I held my own against a Prot Holo but he eventually out-sustained me. That said, you need a really good string of CCs to beat them which is explained in the build. A player could also take net turret instead of Elixir B in order to really pull off that CC combo.All the immob from Net turret would help you land the skill-shots in the build and even set enemies up for your team's burst.

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AED just doesn't work vs good opponents unless you can guarantee you will get the death trigger.

In a 1v1, a competent player will see & hear AED pop, watch your status bar until the buff is gone, then kill you. For some perspective, I have literally never lost a duel vs another (non-holosmith) engi using AED as their heal. I exploit this window mercilessly. As soon as I hear the sound effect I know I'm going to win the fight. *AND I play condi. A power user would have an even easier time holding their damage. If your opponent knows how to play around it, it's like you're not running a heal at all.

So one way to get around this is to only fight in teamfights where it is unlikely that all the players can hold their damage and not kill you.

.. but then you run into another problem: you're playing condi. Condi engi is utter garbage in pvp, especially in teamfights. Trust me. I have lots of experience with it.. Your best case scenario is to land a huge melee range condi burst and some cover that will kill your opponents over the span of ~10s assuming they don't cleanse.

.. but they do cleanse. They cleanse a lot.

You're fighting an uphill battle when your opponents can delete you in 1-2s of solid burst, but even in the best case, you need to wait up to 10, and in the worst case, you're unable to stick any damage thanks to some support class being nearby, or some opponent running a build that just happens to cleanse 2 conditions every time they use a skill.

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@coro.3176 said:AED just doesn't work vs good opponents unless you can guarantee you will get the death trigger.

In a 1v1, a competent player will see & hear AED pop, watch your status bar until the buff is gone, then kill you. For some perspective, I have literally never lost a duel vs another (non-holosmith) engi using AED as their heal. I exploit this window mercilessly. As soon as I hear the sound effect I know I'm going to win the fight. *AND I play condi. A power user would have an even easier time holding their damage. If your opponent knows how to play around it, it's like you're not running a heal at all.

So one way to get around this is to only fight in teamfights where it is unlikely that all the players can hold their damage and not kill you.

.. but then you run into another problem: you're playing condi. Condi engi is utter garbage in pvp, especially in teamfights. Trust me. I have lots of experience with it.. Your best case scenario is to land a huge melee range condi burst and some cover that will kill your opponents over the span of ~10s assuming they don't cleanse.

.. but they do cleanse. They cleanse a lot.

You're fighting an uphill battle when your opponents can delete you in 1-2s of solid burst, but even in the best case, you need to wait up to 10, and in the worst case, you're unable to stick any damage thanks to some support class being nearby, or some opponent running a build that just happens to cleanse 2 conditions every time they use a skill.

I've played different versions of that specc since before HoT. If I had the leeway to do it, I would say come let's 1v1 in-game so I can show you how it works but I don't have that leeway anymore so I can't do that. You'll just have to take my word for it. Smart plays can win those fights.

The spec is built in such a way to maximize defense so burst isn't a problem. You've got more defense that the average player whilst running Rabid. Cleansing isn't a problem either, because you've got more cleansing than the average player. On top of that, reapplication time is pretty short if you know how to use the FT/EG combination. When you play it, you feel tanky and the different procs of barrier help a lot.

That said, you can run Healing Turret with it. Build will still fair well. It just won't be the Comeback King anymore, hehehe. The key, I've learnt, is never to run away from my opponent when I'm low, I just barrel into them full steam ahead and keep wailing. Especially when it's a close fight, people will either retreat, allowing you to use Med Pack Drop to go back to full health anyway or they try to keep fighting you, which helps you reset your health anyway.

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@coro.3176 said:AED just doesn't work vs good opponents unless you can guarantee you will get the death trigger.

Any high DPS spec that has a little stab or range against shocking aura still might just want to attack it. It's not like Glint Rev heal. The window is 5sec and the additional heal is 8k. If you wait 5sec you're granting your enemy 5sec of semi-invulnerability. All you need to do to make the extra heal not worth it is 8k damage (while the AED user, to some extent, will be trying to trigger it), if you apply soft and/or hard CC as well the engi has more problems than he'd have if you stopped attacking. Especially if he expects to get a 5sec breather.Voluntarily eating a bit more damage to secure a proc can go wrong easily. Say you're willing to take just ~3k damage in the first place to get the additional heal, but the enemy crits a bit more / harder than expected, then the HPS drops fast and you're better off taking HT again. AED is only good for the burst of healing you need to survive a short and not very frequent period of focus fire that ends fast and if that's all you need to finish off an enemy (or a support keeps your HP up vs lower constant pressure). In my experience, as soon as you get/need to use AED a second time in a fight it'd have probably been better to not pick it. Med pack and Egun 5 make it a bit less problematic but AED's still hard to make really good use of.

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@Silinsar.6298 said:

@coro.3176 said:AED just doesn't work vs
opponents unless you can guarantee you will get the death trigger.

Any high DPS spec that has a little stab or range against shocking aura still might just want to attack it. It's not like Glint Rev heal. The window is 5sec and the additional heal is 8k. If you wait 5sec you're granting your enemy 5sec of semi-invulnerability. All you need to do to make the extra heal not worth it is 8k damage (while the AED user, to some extent, will be trying to trigger it), if you apply soft and/or hard CC as well the engi has more problems than he'd have if you stopped attacking. Especially if he expects to get a 5sec breather.Voluntarily eating
a bit
more damage to secure a proc can go wrong easily. Say you're willing to take just ~3k damage in the first place to get the additional heal, but the enemy crits a bit more / harder than expected, then the HPS drops fast and you're better off taking HT again. AED is only good for the burst of healing you need to survive a short and not very frequent period of focus fire that ends fast and if that's all you need to finish off an enemy (or a support keeps your HP up vs lower constant pressure). In my experience, as soon as you get/need to use AED a second time in a fight it'd have probably been better to not pick it. Med pack and Egun 5 make it a bit less problematic but AED's still hard to make really good use of.

Extra burst you say that just may hit you too hard? That's where Rune of Sanc comes in. You get your money's worth from it when you use A.E.D. and it procs it'll eat up the damage you speak of.

Shocking Aura stops most people in their tracks. I don't win all the time but in a 1v1, I have a good chance of winning due to the set-up.

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