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Full Server - Not linked - Guilds Golden Share - WvW solution proposal

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Dear Anet ,as you are aware for long time you are keeping "Full" some server like Piken , Kodash and so on. We have just highlighted that we do not understand what's your calculation criteria that determine a server full. This has been for us guilds that are inside one of those server every two months a continuous spending of gems to support the transfer of our members every time we had a relink.Now , is even worst we cannot play together with our members / friends because still full and no linked server.This is a huge penalization in wvw team play is key , every member as a specific role and we take months to find the right positioning, builds , etc. WvW is the Guild Wars area and now are guilds are partially broken. I have seen many messages in the forum of right complaints about.I hope you are going to open at least for one week the "Full" server to allow the transfer but in case you are not going to do I suggest a proposal.Guilds Golden Share , you give the right that has more than 55% of players in wvw playing the same server allowing them to transfer. This you can let as permanent rule and is an incentive and also a right recognition to those guilds that have a community focused. It would be not a difficult change and you can do as automatic or just allowing to place a ticket in a dedicated area.

Finally , I would like to know if you are looking for a solution about this issue that it has been highlighted by many players and for when are you going to fix. This is an urgent issue we would like you take care and attention.

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So, you are in a guild, which is for one half on Piken and the other half is on the linked server? Why doesn't the other half transfer to the linked server, too? One transfer and it's done. Or is it about several guilds? I don't really understand the problem.

If it is indeed the former, and you are forced to transfer every 8 weeks, maybe you should have a talk with the rest of the guild about who values each other how much...

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Think of "full" as "closed to transfers," which is how ANet uses it. (Originally, "full" did mean "above a certain threshold; that changed as ANet realized sometimes they had to limit transfers for reasons other than "more than a certain number of people.)

In particular, ANet will close a world to transfers (i.e. tag it as "full") whenever they need to do so to keep the links in some semblance of balance.

you give the right that has more than 55% of players in wvw playing the same server allowing them to transfer.That's not going to happen, if for no other reason than it would require adding a new set of mechanics to figure out who is or isn't eligible. Restructuring should bring about comparable tools, except at that point, the worlds we know and love will disappear and "teams" will be determined by guild in any case.

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@"nthmetal.9652" said:So, you are in a guild, which is for one half on Piken and the other half is on the linked server? Why doesn't the other half transfer to the linked server, too? One transfer and it's done. Or is it about several guilds? I don't really understand the problem.

If it is indeed the former, and you are forced to transfer every 8 weeks, maybe you should have a talk with the rest of the guild about who values each other how much...

I am in guild , that more than 70% are in Piken. For months we are spending gems to move our guildies from linked server to another server. On top I have to say that's not clear the " Full" concept criteria coming from ANET , we are often outnumber and rarely we have queue at the reset.We like Piken , community and we do not move. This is a situation that not only our guild is facing but also many others on Piken.What we clear ask , it is a solution at ANET . Easiest would be to review the " Full " criteria and open again our server and I would say others like Kodash that looks exactly with the same issue with us. If not next week they can add a linked server or as I wrote allow at the Guilds that has a significant % of players in the server to use what I named " Golden Share" .What it is clear that in such way , there are some communities fully penalized and I cannot believe that ANET would allow and support such discrimination.

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@"Jayden Reese.9542" said:The solution is there. Pick one of the 8 servers that would fit your entire guild and move. You make friends with a link and add members then those members follow you every link I get it but this isn't an urgent situation as you say. Take 4 weeks off playing and trick anet into thinking your server isn't full only loophole I can see cause it's hours played as the main determination which even outnumbered some of the time you still could be putting in more hours then other servers. It's a terrible process but you refuse to do the easiest solution of transferring 70 percent once instead of 30 percent indefinitely.

That's not a solution, we and others cannot move more than 40 players that are integrated inside the community. On Top it would be interesting to see the metrics of " Full " done by ANET when we and other server declared FULL are quite often outnumbered. The point is that we ask to play together with all our guild members and this is no possible because no linked server and I do believe our is a right.

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