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What's the point of condition damage reduction?

Daniel Handler.4816

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Has anyone else made a build that stacks (non-resistance) condition damage mitigation ?

I went kalla/ventari, salvation/retribution/renegade in PvP. I stack my reductions, swap and cleanse; only to survive for 10 more seconds before the team has no reductions and multiple conditions.

I went for a selfish kalla/jalis, retribution/invocation/renegade build; but I got the same outcome.

Don't mention WvW, the Spirits just die.

Am I missing something? They gave us fancy uncorruptable buffs and no way to use them.

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Yes, before PoF I was playing around with melandru runes on a power build, post PoF I played around with anti-toxin runes. The short answer is it doesn't work. The difference between getting condi bombed means instead of dying in 3 seconds, you die in 5. There's nothing, short of resistance, that will allow you to live long enough to counterplay your opponent. I like the idea of condi dmg reduction but unless it's coupled with cleanse, it's like having Ferocity without Power or Expertise without Condition Dmg.

Also, the issue with Versed in Stone is that it procs off of hits. This means if you get loaded with condis and somehow escape or LoS your enemy, you will just continue to take the condi hits well below the 50% threshold until you get hit which by then, the effect is all but useless.

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It's not true they are completely useless. I had some success with a menders kalla/jalis build for surviving conditions. You get 33% from traits and 20% from hammers, both can easily be up for any condi bomb. Otherwise, if still in jalis you can reduce it a further 50%; or if you're in kalla you get less, but more healing.

The build overall is pretty bad, but for tanking condies, it's really resilient. Would certainly not work as well in wvw.

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@Loboling.5293 said:It's not true they are completely useless. I had some success with a menders kalla/jalis build for surviving conditions. You get 33% from traits and 20% from hammers, both can easily be up for any condi bomb. Otherwise, if still in jalis you can reduce it a further 50%; or if you're in kalla you get less, but more healing.

The build overall is pretty bad, but for tanking condies, it's really resilient. Would certainly not work as well in wvw.

No skill is completely useless. The problem is viability. In WvW it would work even better because you have fancy stats. That is unless they insta-kill your spirits.

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