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Free to Play Mesmer; Core mes theorycrafting

Crab Fear.1624

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Note: this is a SPvP build.

At the risk of being called noob, or having the build spat on, I wanted to share my core mes build.

I used to have problems with fighting mirage, and mesmers in general.

They said, hey, go learn the class before you try to ask for nerfs.

I'm not asking for nerfs.

So, I played attentively the class instead of just grabbing META battle and laying face on keyboard.

Because I do not PVE much, my mesmer is very low level, so I had to start in PVP to learn "all the things".

I thought it would be best to start with core, to really get the feel of being a "mesmer main".

I played all the specs, all the traits.

Believe it or not, I found myself having fun while using this core mes build below.

It actually became my favorite way to play mesmer out of them all.

Showmanship, misdirection, and guile were foundational elements to making this build work.

To prove it worked for myself against better than bots players, I tool it into ranked with my rank on the line. (I'm only 1540, but sometimes I face tougher opponents)

Still successful, regardless.

Probably luck.

Now, I am looking for critiques, and feedback.

This is my tip jar.

Put some in it.


It's okay to tell me it's garbage.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:Its garbage

lol jk

Why not take Malicious Sorcery over Master of Fragmentation where you would get better use out of it imo?

Doesnt look too bad of a build

The main reason is it makes my signets grant reflect because of the distortion on them, and reflect on regular f4 distortion. Also the multi-target on diversion.

Sometimes I do switch it out though if I don't expect much projectile.

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@"viquing.8254" said:Didn't you lake some mobility ?Btw interesting I'm also running some signet on chrono actually.On core I prefer condi burst instead of long time sustaining.

I could swap out the rune for Lynx or travelers I guess.

I wanted to be able to help my allies with my utilities and myself, and then I found no room for blink lol.

I have decided to make a bunch of core builds for FtP players even if they are not that great, I know the pros/vets can fine tune them.

The reason is that I want PvP to grow and not shrink.

The best way to is to target the curious and curb my toxicity.

I am putting myself out for the trash talk, but consider this my olive branch mesmer community.

(I created a FtP account just for this to be sure it was accessible to FtP)


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The core mesmer builds I prefer are:

Illusions: 1-2-1Dueling: 1-3-1Inspiration: 3-2-3

  1. That heal signet (forgot the name, lol)
  2. Signet of Midnight
  3. Signet of Inspiration
  4. Signet of Domination
  5. Signet of humility (Elite)

Sword/sword (impact/force sigils)Sword/focus or greatsword (also impact/force

Armor use zerkers and mix in assassins trinkets.Use Eagle or Scholar Runes. Mesmer runes may work well too, I haven't tried them though.Traveler runes work very well for the 25% passive too!!

Another one I've used was by dropping Inspiration and use:

Domination: 2-2-1


  1. Heal Signet (again, forgot the name) or Ether Feast
  2. Phantasmal Disenchanter
  3. Mirror Images
  4. Optional. But Mantra of Pain works well!
  5. Timewarp or Signet of Humility

Same weapons as above. Greatsword works better for tagging in metas and now spawns 2 phantasms with the trait.

I still shatter a lot with this one as well, but there's not as much survival or condi clear as before. But illusions do more damage (for what little they do already)

Tbh, I prefer the first build and ran a similar one on Chrono before the nerf. It's very solid and very difficult to kill if played correctly. Best mostly for open world solo. I've ran it in t4 fractals and it's nothing like chrono but it works. It has significantly better survival but it's a very selfish profession and doesn't bring much to the table aside from SOI which is nothing like it was, unfortunately. If anything, swapping the elite to Time Warp would be a good option if your team lacks the quickness. Don't bring it if you've got a Firebrand with you.

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With regards to the build you posted, you have very little condi pressure, you should always should take mantra heal if you have the trait in inspiration. Additionally, whats the build's role? It seems to be a duelist, but with pu and stealth focus you will lose node really fast and probably will take forever to win the duel against meta side noders, if you can even win.

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@bountifulmayhem.3018 said:With regards to the build you posted, you have very little condi pressure, you should always should take mantra heal if you have the trait in inspiration. Additionally, whats the build's role? It seems to be a duelist, but with pu and stealth focus you will lose node really fast and probably will take forever to win the duel against meta side noders, if you can even win.

I take the signet because I create many illusions, that is a lot of healing. I gain distortion (1s), and as traited, distortion converts 2 conditions into boons each time I gain it. I also gain reflection when I gain distortion.

The build kinda performs like the old druid side noder, and it becomes a battle of attrition. But, because of sage and the occasional fury I gain (critting sometimes) my build is somewhat hybrid.

I use the stealth for boons, to break target and reset, but prestige I use for damage and normally break stealth away immediately as the damage still happens.

I find that my dodges and clones + myself + chaos armor + skills pile it on quick enough and keep it on . I'm not afraid to auto attack.

Those are my reasons I play this build, but I do have the expansions.

I know that it's not the best.

I will keep playing it and watch how players respond, how side noders respond and how it performs while making adjustments until I think it is even better.

Nothing you said is wrong, this was just my explanation. So, I'm not arguing with you about any of your points or views.

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