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Chrono Tradeoff. Is it good?

Me Games Ma.8426

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@Genesis.7864 said:

@Vincenzo.3145 said:Just playing Mesmer feels like a trade-off now. I main support roles because I enjoy them. I stopped logging in as soon as the changes were revealed. I considered going Firebrand, but then figured they'll probably do the same thing to that and eventually with every other class.

Kinda sick of this tbh.

I too considered going FB but that meant being ok with Anet nerfing Chrono and eventually they'll have a change of heart and they will nerf FB so hard, the strength of it will make the rotation of the Earth go really fast.

I think that's their goal: nerf all elites over the next 3 years so they're all equally as horrible with eachother. So horrible, in fact, that it drives everybody back to playing core builds only and forgetting about the elites all together. I can see it now

Their goal is to nerf everything to trash so that everyone in PvP/WvW will pay for XPAC3 assuming they are still in business to release it.

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@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048

After playing Chrono post-changes I must say that losing IP really hampers this spec so much. They honestly should've just made the new shatters and lose Distortion as that is really strong with CSplit. But without Illusionary Persona, Chrono is below the Mendoza line for fun.

Changes I'd make to Chrono:Bring back Illusionary PersonaReduce Illusionary Reversion to 2

If they keep the changes as is then revert Illusionary Reversion back to 1 clone

Edit: Losing Illusionary Persona makes sense on Mirage as it has more methods of generating clones. With Chrono, I feel like I'm always starved and wasting dodges to generate them. And in wvw they're pretty useless as they die quickly.

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@Levetty.1279 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Losing Illusionary Persona makes sense on MirageIt doesn't make sense on anything, stop spreading this lie to try and get Mirage nerfed.

Let's make something clear - I've played Mesmer since day one and continue to do so. You're living in a fantasy world to think that they won't nerf Mirage like they did Chrono. I don't want see Mirage nerfed or have Chrono keep this abomination of changes. Until you get that through your head and understand that these changes are most likely sticking the better off you'll be. Now if they repurpose the loss of IP from Chrono to Mirage then that's something I'm willing to accept.

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@phokus.8934 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Losing Illusionary Persona makes sense on MirageIt doesn't make sense on anything, stop spreading this lie to try and get Mirage nerfed.

Let's make something clear - I've played Mesmer since day one and continue to do so. You're living in a fantasy world to think that they won't nerf Mirage like they did Chrono. I don't want see Mirage nerfed or have Chrono keep this abomination of changes. Until you get that through your head and understand that these changes are most likely sticking the better off you'll be. Now if they repurpose the loss of IP from Chrono to Mirage then that's something I'm willing to accept.

Nothing you said makes sense. "They are going to nerf Mirage so lets demand they nerf it" Thinking that if Mirage loses IP that Chorno would somehow get it back is the only fantasy here, nice condescending tone though.

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@Levetty.1279 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Losing Illusionary Persona makes sense on MirageIt doesn't make sense on anything, stop spreading this lie to try and get Mirage nerfed.

Let's make something clear - I've played Mesmer since day one and continue to do so. You're living in a fantasy world to think that they won't nerf Mirage like they did Chrono. I don't want see Mirage nerfed or have Chrono keep this abomination of changes. Until you get that through your head and understand that these changes are most likely sticking the better off you'll be. Now if they repurpose the loss of IP from Chrono to Mirage then that's something I'm willing to accept.

Nothing you said makes sense. "They are going to nerf Mirage so lets demand they nerf it" Thinking that if Mirage loses IP that Chorno would somehow get it back is the only fantasy here, nice condescending tone though.

You’re delusional if you think Mirage isn’t getting touched next. They already made it clear that they’re willing to change baseline mechanics with e-specs. They made the decision to drop iP from Chrono which was not the right decision. I guess you can’t critically think that this would be better suited for Mirage. Until you come back to reality then continue to think Mirage won’t be touched.

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@phokus.8934 said:

@phokus.8934 said:Losing Illusionary Persona makes sense on MirageIt doesn't make sense on anything, stop spreading this lie to try and get Mirage nerfed.

Let's make something clear - I've played Mesmer since day one and continue to do so. You're living in a fantasy world to think that they won't nerf Mirage like they did Chrono. I don't want see Mirage nerfed or have Chrono keep this abomination of changes. Until you get that through your head and understand that these changes are most likely sticking the better off you'll be. Now if they repurpose the loss of IP from Chrono to Mirage then that's something I'm willing to accept.

Nothing you said makes sense. "They are going to nerf Mirage so lets demand they nerf it" Thinking that if Mirage loses IP that Chorno would somehow get it back is the only fantasy here, nice condescending tone though.

You’re delusional if you think Mirage isn’t getting touched next. They already made it clear that they’re willing to change baseline mechanics with e-specs. They made the decision to drop iP from Chrono which was not the right decision. I guess you can’t critically think that this would be better suited for Mirage. Until you come back to reality then continue to think Mirage won’t be touched.

I see you aren't actually even reading peoples posts and are just here to troll. Have a good day.

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