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Observing AT's


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@senki.1046 said:Is there a way of observing the automated tournaments? I'd really like to watch some matches, like in gw1 it was possible to watch the best teams.If not, then please add this feature, it would be a nice addition for pvp.

There isn't, it is available only to Streamers, as such you can watch it only through their streams.

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@senki.1046 said:Is there a way of observing the automated tournaments? I'd really like to watch some matches, like in gw1 it was possible to watch the best teams.If not, then please add this feature, it would be a nice addition for pvp.

The official answer here, if I remember correctly, is that the current code can only allow spectators into a match as if that was an ACTUAL player joining the map. This is to say that the spectator is the 11th, or 12th, or 13th player in that PvP map instance (for example). There is no other technical means of a spectator viewing the action at the moment and because Anet can't have 200 people joining one map instance (for example) there is no free and open spectating to the public, only elite special class streamers can do it.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:GW1 had this. How did GW2 PvP take such a massive step backwards compared to a game from more than a decade ago.

Carelessness......all it takes is programing time and dedication. No one in the history of gw2 development staff ever cared about pvp ENOUGH to push that agenda. And if they did im sure they were fired by now.Hense 3-4 month balances + a slew of bugged out skills for all classes and the same 5v5 conquest broken ladder system since day one 7 years ago.

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