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Full Guild Wars Soundtrack

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This question may have been asked a dozen times, if so, I am sorry. But I was curious if there was any way that I could get access to the ambient music in the original Guild Wars game that was never added to the OST. I have all of the soundtracks from the original Guild wars as well as Guild Wars 2 and there are many songs missing, unless I am crazy. I am leading a group of friends through a Guild Wars themed D&D story experience taking place between the games, and I would love more ambient music to play in the background of regions so things don't get too repetitive. And to be honest, I would prefer to get them through legitimate channels.

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  1. Instrumental music isn't called a song. A song includes lyrics and singing. It is called a piece or a composition.
  2. Great idea (re: GW themed pen & paper RPG campaign)! :+1:
  3. No, other than the original soundtracks that used to be downloadable at DirectSound and now on this website, there is no other source I know of. You could check on SoundCloud, but I think it also features only what we already know.

Edit: Since links still don't parse correctly, here is the above link again: https://www.discogs.com/artist/779522-Jeremy-Soule , also https://www.discogs.com/search/?q=Guild+Wars .

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:

  1. Instrumental music isn't called a song. A song includes lyrics and singing. It is called a piece or a composition.
  2. Great idea (re: GW themed pen & paper RPG campaign)! :+1:
  3. No, other than the original soundtracks that used to be downloadable at DirectSong and now on this website, there is no other source I know of. You could check on SoundCloud, but I think it also features only what we already know.

Edit: Since links still don't parse correctly, here is the above link again: https://www.discogs.com/artist/779522-Jeremy-Soule , also https://www.discogs.com/search/?q=Guild+Wars .

1) Apologies for my misuse of 1 word, legitimate mistype. ?2) Thanks, it's a lot of work building my own races and classes and monsters, but it's been worth it so far!3) Yeah, I already have all of the tracks available from Direct Sound including the Battle Pack and Sorrow's Furnace. I found a YouTube video with a lot of pieces, but I guess I will just have to limit myself to what we see. I hate it when companies include a lot of musical pieces into games but then remove those pieces from the soundtrack! I want it all!!!

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@Narcemus.1348 said:3) Yeah, I already have all of the tracks available from Direct Sound

Oops. There was my typo. ;)

including the Battle Pack and Sorrow's Furnace. I found a YouTube video with a lot of pieces, but I guess I will just have to limit myself to what we see. I hate it when companies include a lot of musical pieces into games but then remove those pieces from the soundtrack! I want it all!!!

Me too. :) I also wish the GW2 soundtrack was available in complete collections for each campaign - not a fan of piecing everything together myself.

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I found this - a youtube video with about an hour and a half's worth of additional music - but I'm not sure if you've already discovered this one... You did mention that you found a youtube video with a lot of ambient music, so possibly this one is redundant. (Track list is in the description of the video.)


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