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theif can't 1v1?

Hogwarts Zebra.8597

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@Kallist.5917 said:

@Kallist.5917 said:Spent last night dueling with a Warrior Guildie. It took a while for me to learn how to fight him effectively, but I did finally figure it out, and started giving him a real fight.What I learned was to front load annoying conditions and get his cleanses off. Interrupt anything that looks important, and finally push for a burst at the end.

Most warriors trait Healing signet as the heal and are unwilling to use it actively. They then rely on adrenal for added heals. Keeping poison on in particular can neutralize the heals on these builds. If in Daredevil you can also maintain high weakness uptime so their signature attacks not as reliable.

Ive been hearing weakness can really cripple opponents, so Ive been doing more to upkeep it lately. Honestly, he tried every heal he had available, and was doing everything he could to drop conditions. trick ended up being to keep that constant pressure on him, and drain his resources. In a war of attrition, bow Daredevil seems to bring quite a bit to the table.Since that night, ive sparred a few other guildies. a Mesmer, another warrior, Dragon hunter, Firebrand, and Necro. Havent had any trouble with any of them, and all five are either PVP or WvW players. Granted we were under the effect of pve balance in the guild hall, so idk how it well it would translate in to other modes, but for now, for the first time in years, im not dreading my next gift of battle farm.

If anyone is curious here, here's the build, just remember, its a slow but steady build.

That a nice PvE and WvW build, unfortunately that won't transfer well in PvP since there is no Dire Amulet there. You can either go with Vitality+Condi or Toughness+Condi, but not all three stats like Dire. You can go Celestial but that will bring even crappier result.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:No profession should 1v1 in PvP. Period.

That kind of mentality is what ruins this game format.

Fun fact in PvP - You get more points in killing players than capping nodes.

The Thief is more productive in a group killing players than wasting time capping node they cannot defend.

Im going to be sick.... barf

What greater goal is there than 1v1 balance. its the holy grail. Its everything that's desired... unless....................... we are borg we are one..... no I N D I V I D U A L I T Y. Comrad, what country do you come from? let us drink together in unison. Let us wear the same rock t shirt yes ... who wants to be able to lift a boulder by themselves... come.. pick up the boulder with me.... lets get back in line comrad... march march 1 2 3 1 2 3 march....

This is the only place i get my feathers ruffled... i love the rest of the game... but man some reason this ticks me off... i wont give in either .... let us all hope someday 1v1 is as balanced as it is in most shooters.... which are team games too that require strategy.

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I'm just a pvp noob but I've found thief can 1v1 if you 1 hit kill with stealth without them ever seeing you.

But my personal experience is that I'm more useful as a dead eye running around in stealth and breaking up 1v1 with a stealth shot then unloading everything with skill 3. Then turn around and run away. That simple set up seems to be enough to get people the kill.But again I'm a noob, I'm just playing the first strategy that has worked for me so far.

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@SinisterSlay.6973 said:I'm just a pvp noob but I've found thief can 1v1 if you 1 hit kill with stealth without them ever seeing you.

But my personal experience is that I'm more useful as a dead eye running around in stealth and breaking up 1v1 with a stealth shot then unloading everything with skill 3. Then turn around and run away. That simple set up seems to be enough to get people the kill.But again I'm a noob, I'm just playing the first strategy that has worked for me so far.

Good thieves can hold a 1v1 for prolonged periods of time against any class. There are certain builds that an experienced thief is favored against, particularly ones with telegraphed melee attacks and low combat mobility. There's too much reflection and protection in most games that a deadeye struggles to make an impact outside casual +1s. A good dps will simply jump on you the moment you de-stealth, given the chance. Daredevil and core builds do the same with better mobility and utility.

Add in the number of core guards present (due to condi builds), and you're likely to get one-shot the moment you Kneel. And you need to use Kneel to deal damage.

TL;DR: - you're better off with a ranger or DH above silver (I assume....? Never been to silver, so).

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