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Knife Tail Hunting Gang / Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock


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@"Ayakaru.6583" said:But i don't get it (or missed something).You pay an additional 75 gems, to do more work, for the same chest??

BLK costs 125/e, with instant rewards.KTHG costs 200/e and requires additional work

It is an easy access wardrobe unlock with a loot table focused on BLChest exclusive items (so it is even better than a wardrobe unlock), and as said before you always get something more "significant" as even the dyes are blchest exclusive dyes, while in the blkey+chest you can get a lot of junk (happens most of the time).

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It does drop a lot of nice stuff from what I saw in the preview but it is still RNG in the end. I took the free one and will convert gold to gems if it sticks around but I only spend real money when there is a skin I want specifically and can purchase directly. This is useful for me to farm gold and purchase for fun occasionally.

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